Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Group Three Answers for Poetry (Emilia, Valentina, Kaisa, Jie)

Put your answers here (as comments) before the start of Friday's class.


Valentina said...

All poems have special qualities such as:
1. Subject – what the poem tells about.
2. Theme – what a main idea is.
3. Special form and type in which all poems have been written ( full of personal feelings and emotion, tells a story, or tries to teach a lesson)
4. A special time period to which they belong.
5. A special style – rhythm structure, how the lines are arranged.
6. The power to evoke a mood. ( how the poem makes you feel)

Poets use many special techniques such as:
1. Simile
2. Metaphor.
3. Personification.
4. Hyperbole.
5. Repetition.
6. Alliteration.
7. Assonance.
8. Onomatopoeia

Definitions and examples of some techniques used in poetry.

Simile – a comparison beginning with “like” or “as”.
Ex. He is brave like a lion.

Metaphor – a comparison in which one thing is said to be something else.
Ex, He is a lion in battle.

Onomatopoeia – words that sound like the noise they represent.
Ex. Buzz, hiss, bubble.

Repetition – use of a word or phrase over and over again to create a more vivid picture.
Ex. Leaves quietly fell, fell, fell, fell
From the tress on the ground.

Personification – the giving of human qualities to non-human things.
Ex. I passed English exam –
Fortune has smiled upon me.

Hyperbole – exaggeration used for certain effect.
Ex. He was a mountain of a man.

Jie said...

The Short Definition of Poetry

"Poetry" could be simply summarized in one sentence. Poetry is poems regarded as forming a division of literature where a poet, a special author, uses condensed languge by applying literary techniques for its sound and suggestive power to convey experiences, ideas and emotions in a vivid and imaginative way.

( 50 words )

Kaisa said...

Poetry is written for many different reasons. For one, it is a very unique way of expressing ones thoughts and feelings. It is often compact and short, yet can drastically catch your attention by reading just a few lines. The purpose of poetry is to be able to express ones feelings and thoughts in a way not possible by writing a story or book.

emilia said...

Because Valentina said a lot about Elements of poetry I only add a definition for alliteration and a definition for assonance.
The alliteration is the repetition of an initial sound in two or more words of a line of poetry such as: “She sat, head bent, her long hair all a-spill…”
The assonance is the repetition of a vowel sounds like: “It is so thin a splinter of a sing…”
I try to give another definition for some of the elements of poetry
The Metaphor is the royal symphony of poetry.
Simile and personification:
The poetry wear the simile like the spring wear her blossom.
Like the spirit from the lamp, the poetry keeps literature alive.
I write so well then… I have to find another job

emilia said...
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