Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Group Two Answers for Poetry (Phoebe, Jenny, Young In)

Put your answers here (as comments) before the start of Friday's class.


Jenny said...

I response the first question

Poetry is a compressed writing form with metrical language, or sound patterns and imagery, to evoke emotions or sensations. It is succinct in wording and stirs one's imagination and feelings.

Young In said...

About special quality….
Poetry can express and delivery an author’s feeling about political problem, beauty of nature or anything very easily, strongly, and fast using by special techniques.
Furthermore, in a shortened and compressed word, the readers can get a strong message compare to a long story. It is special quality of poetry.
There are many techniques in poetry. These techniques make the poetry very unique and special.

1) Assonance : the repetition of internal vowel sounds in words.
Ex) the cliffs of England and stand,
2) Consonance : A repetition of a pattern of consonants
Ex) live-love, hill-hall, rider-reader
3) Rhythm : A series of stressed or accented syllable in a group of words(like the beat of music)
Ex) The wind was a torrent ….
The moon was a ghostly….
The road was a ribbon…..
4) Rhyme : similarity of sound between two words
Ex) rat, mat, cat, sat

Phoebe said...

Poetry is written for humans have the desire to reveal their strong feelings to a certain situation or event. Besides, by giving concentrated words and powerful message, poetry catches people’s eyes and ears easily and communicates with them quickly. In this way, poetry may evoke readers’ sensations, emotions or passions the same as the poets have.