Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Group One Answers (RuthZ, Tien, Michelle, Lien)

Put your answers here (as comments) before the start of Friday's class.


Michelle said...

I will response the third question

Poetry uses the least words to express the strongest emotions. Every poem in poetry follows some certain forms. Usually, a poem has several sections, and every section is made up by several sentences. Poem is easy to read and memorize.
There are a lot of special techniques to be used in poems, such as rhyme, simile, metaphor, symbolization, repetition, personification, alliteration, and hyperbola. What I want to explain among them is repetition. The definition of Repetition is the repeated use of the same word or word pattern to emphasize the theme and to make the whole poem looks continuous and orderly.
The following poem is an example for the technique of repetition. The first three sections use the same word pattern “There is no place” to start the sentences. That is repetition. This repetition makes the poem look continuous and orderly. And it also makes the theme clear.

Let Your Spirit Guide You

There is no place you can go to hide from the thoughts
that you keep contemplating over and over inside your mind...

There is no place you can venture where your true emotions
will be concealed and the secrets of your heart will not show...

There is no place in this whole wide world you can travel
to where your spirit does not direct or guide you towards your destiny...

Life is the experience of being you;
no one can ever be someone other than who they are...

The beauty found in each and every person is the essence of life...
Simply ... you are who you are and for whatever time you have to be,

You must not try to shadow yourself,
but, rather, express yourself...

tien said...

A short definition of "poetry".

Poetry is language that says more than ordinary language can, and it often full of colour, motion, and excitement.Poetry, usually squeeses meaning into a small number of words and lines. Then, language, images, sound, and rhythm combine to create a special emotional effect; as a result, it entertains, delights, and inspires its reader.

Poem is one example of poetry which is written in verse form; it expresses poet's deep feeling and noble thought through its unique and startling combination of words and ideas. Furthermore, beautiful poem can please the eyes, sing to the ears, tickle the taste buds, and create a sense of wonder which ask the reader to view life in a new or different ways.

Ruth said...

I will response the second question

Poetry is written to pour out the
poet's experiences, thoughts, and
strong feelings about events, persons, memories, and nature. Its
content might refer to a very personal feeling such as love or
hatred, and also could be concerning a nation's longing with a historical or political background. With less words, poetry
provides more abundant subjects, and its subjects or themes are meaningful and have strongly suggestive power. Its purpose is to
remind, to give some lessons, and to influence human society in politics, religions, cultures, educations and even sciences.

Lien said...

There are several special techniques qualities poetry have.
Theme is the message of the poem or univeral statement that comes from the poem, but doesn't mention the subject of the poem.
A poem's mood is felt by the rhyme scheme of a poem is the pattern of rhymes at the end of lines in each stanza.It can be happy mood or sad mood.
A poem that looks like several short paragraphs-stanzas. Each stanza contains different idea and feeling.

Alo, there are particular divices:

I would like to give some definitions and examples of poetic techique.
Alliteration is is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words,for example see and sunset, sing and solitary.

Symbol is things, animals or people repersent something eles, for example flag's sign, a maple leaf or a beaver.

Personification is describing the thing as human, for example the sun creeps through my window.