Friday, March 30, 2007

Instructions for Questions on Point of View

Please respond to two (2) of the following questions. You must answer at least one of the questions for “The Singing Silence.” Otherwise, choose a question that interests you! Most responses should need no more than 50 to 75 words or so. Be concise and make reference to the story by quotation when appropriate.

Question One for "The Singing Silence"

The story, “The Singing Silence,” while told by a first person narrator, is not told entirely in this way. What part of the story is told in a different way? Why did the author choose this way in your opinion?

Question Two for "The Singing Silence"

The narrator of “The Singing Silence” says, “At Cala Pujol it is easy to forget,” and then goes on to describe the beauty of the place, ending with, “In peace, one forgets.” How might the narrator’s feelings affect how he responds to the story of Vicente’s search for the amphora?

Question One for "The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse"

In “The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse” the narrator is Aram, who tells the story as a memory from his childhood. Imagine that Mourad is telling the story in the same way. How might he tell it differently? Write a short paragraph. Be specific!

Question Two for "The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse"

If we could know the thoughts of the character Uncle Khosrove in “The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse,” what would they be? Write out one example of what he might be thinking to himself when he speaks.

Question One for "Cat in the Rain"

In the story, “Cat in the Rain,” rewrite the scene where George tells his wife to “shut up,” but tell it, instead, from his point of view (limited omniscient).

Question Two for "Cat in the Rain"

How would the story, “Cat in the Rain,” change if it were told by the American wife in the first person point of view? Give an example of one part of the story where she, herself, might present the facts in a different way.