Thursday, February 22, 2007

"Cat in the Rain" Question on Repetition

Hemingway uses repetition effectively in his story. Find one example of a repetition (including the number of times something is repeated) and give a brief explanation for why you think Hemingway includes this repetition.


Michelle said...

The repetition that describes the husband's behaviors repeated totally six times. The husband was always reading his book while lying in the bed. In my opinion, Hemingway includes this repetition in order to express the husband’s ignorance and indifference to his wife and also to show how lonely and bored the wife felt!

Valentina said...

"The American wife was looking out of the window"; Hemingway uses this sentence in his story four times. Every subsequent repetition shows the girl's mood was becoming worse. With coming darkness she grew tenser with expectancy her husband would make her “feel important”. She was indifferent to George, so one can sense increasing of the girl’s indignation. “It was quite dark”, she realized she was lonely and unloved.

Tatyana said...

I found another very nice repetition "His desk was at the far end of the office" and "He stood at the far end of the dim room". This way Hemingway tries to show us that in spite of being quet far from her (comparing to her husband's opportunity), the padrone always tries to attract her "...and the hotel owner stood up and bowed her", or "The padrone made her feel very small and at the same time really important". Such a nice repetition to show that sometimes other people can unerstand you much better than people close to your heart.

Jenny said...

Hemingway has his characters stopping at the hotel where they were the only two Amerians. Outside their window, the war monument, the sea, and the rain intensified loneliness for the wife,the protagonist. The environment impacted on her emotions, reflecting that she was neglected by her husband. This influenced her desire to rescue the "Cat in the Rain."

Jenny said...
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