Friday, December 4, 2009

Dash and Parenthesis

Share the sentences from your essay where you use a dash and a parenthesis. Submit the two sentences as a comment here for us to see in class next Wednesday.

Making the Dash Work for You (includes sample writing to illustrate)

Definition and Examples of Parenthesis (

Uses of Parenthesis (Cliff Notes)


Brad said...


The second day was harder than the first—and hotter. (to emphasize the phrase "and hotter")


Wind at my back, I continued, heading for the Manitoba border, all downhill (except for the occasional coulee). (to add a joking reference to "coulee," a steep-sided river valley created beneath a glacier.)

Jessie said...
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Jessie said...

My father-in-law has been laid on bed for two years – a stroke made him unable to walk.
(to provide additional information)

A new suit. (In Taiwan’s tradition, a dead man should wear a new suit.)
(for explanation)

rosemaryrrr said...


... until that moment he hadn’t been able to tell my mother the disastrous news -there weren’t words. (Emphasizing the idea)

-“Why didn’t Efren come?” It resounded like condemnation, a knife in my soul. (Iniciating a dialogue)


It sounded bizarre to me; why me… and not him? I couldn’t replay him. (I knew, he was protecting them from more sorrow). (Explaining feelings)

My adorable father traveled to another dimension (where he still guiding his kinship relatives); (Giving and idea of believes)

Raiya said...


One of my team-mates said to me that “You are a stupid captain ever. You should resign your position because you know nothing about soccer.” My eyes turned red-my cheeks started to shutter-I bitted my nail, and left the field. (A symptoms of being mad)


My mom raised me, educated me, and supported me. (Whoever tried to put hands on me, she fought) (showed the emotions to her son)

Douaa said...


I was thinking-creating a crazy idea-the telephone rang.(to show quik,run movement and things happened in a moment)


They were surprising questions(about our visit to the hospital).(to explain to the reader what kind of questions)

fatima said...

“I just talked to her-no way, no way”. (TO emphasis the phrase)

Then I put on my mourning clothes. (The long black dress that I have to wear for at least 40 days).(to provide some explanations to the reader about our customs).

Audrey said...


I didn’t feel like going to work, even though I had an iron rice job (job guaranteed for life) right after I graduated. (to explain the meaning of an iron rice job)


I could not go to sleep- I was suffering insomnia. (to emphasize the sleeping problem)

George said...
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George said...


Preparing the best food – although it wasn’t very delicious –treat my girl friend.

Camping team (my girl friend, I and colleagues) have to prepare food and clean every plate, bowl, and table.

Sophie said...


Tuesday and Wednesday were routine--Effie did not raise her hand and Math class was so boring.(to express the detail of the "routine")


ESLA(English Language Service for Adults)(to explain the meaning of "ESLA")

Kevin said...


There were no any voices when I drove the car rushing to the cliff except Mr. Lu's murmur – it's like a voice coming from a dream.(emphasizing the silent through the murmur.)


There were many big trucks on the road after nightfall (They were only allowed into the city at night).(supplementing the idea.)