Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Persuasive RSAnimate

View two or three examples of RSAnimates and then choose the one you find most persuasive.

In a paragraph, explain why you find it persuasive (in a way, persuade us that we should also watch it!). Post your paragraph here (100 to 150 words) before coming to class.

Be sure to bring your work to class, word processed, next Wednesday.


Unknown said...

The people in societies have different ideas about morality. “The Truth About Dishonesty” by Dan Ariely ,is persuading about “RATIONALISATION”. Dan Ariely assured “Human beings basically try to do two things at the same time” as “on one hand we want to be able to look in the mirror & feel good about ourselves EGO MOTIVATION” and “on the other hand we want to BENEFIT from dishonesty” In fact, we always in a dilemma(one or other),so we often do “rationalize our actions” on our life—“ society is by GOOD people who think they’re doing good ,but in fact CHEATING just a little bit”. Dan Ariely imply with many examples (some humor of jokes) in his opinion. I paid much less for digital content(almost free),but Dan convinced me about there is no way to rationalize stealing of digital content-- Although it is a small downloading and everybody doing it, it’s stealing. “The Truth About Dishonesty” can be an innovate motivation for your morality.
Words 160

Unknown said...

Dan Aritly in his “The Truth about Dishonesty” exposed an inferiority that we all share as human being— “we can benefit from cheating just a little bit and at the same time we can keep thinking of ourselves as honest, wonderful people.”This point shows how easy we are able to come to terms and justify our actions that we are wrong or immoral. We often complain about this world is falling more and more but we never realize that ourselves are the cause to this. In his hopeful beliefs--if we can rationalise less we could be more honesty, Aritly suggests a way to rationalise less is to be reminded of a moral code. I agree with him because morality can lead us being remind of the values and supervising our actions to higher degree. I hope it help people to consider and adjust their motivation and behaviour being honest.
---150 words

Ronny rakotomalala said...

I really liked " The Secret Powers of Time" by professor Philip Zimbarbo and I would certainly recommend it to anyone because everything he talked about in the video were so much related to our lives. We are all blinded by what we do,work,study,hobbies,etc..,that we don't even have the time to think. Even though we think sometimes,we mostly think about the past and the future. We are even too busy working and planing our future that we don't even take a meal with our family. Teenagers boys mostly,can't even concentrate at school anymore because of the impact of technology with their mind ,their mind are so used of gaming that it changed their mood,their way of thinking.Anyways,"The Secret Power of Time"is definitely a video that is amazing and everyone should take a look at.
145 words

Unknown said...

“The Power of Networks” is a refined animation talking adout knowledge’s acquisition and preservation. The development of humanity is accompanied by the increase in the amount of knowledge and the advancement in the organization of knowledge. Prior to the 20th century, the progress of technology was low, therefore we did not have a large amount of information; The connections between knowledge were straightforward. In the first fifty years of 20th century, technology was growing dramatically and we suddenly gathered a lot more information about the world. However, the organization of information did not keep growing like knowledge; as a result, the connections were ambiguous and random. Nowadays, we have Wikipedia and Facebook, which help us clarify the connections between knowledge and information as well as the connections between individuals. In the future, we will explore the universe to a greater extent and construct a universal network for knowledge. Eventually, we may find out that the universal network would have incredible similarities with the network within our brains.
--171 words

Unknown said...

The Stephen Pinker “Language as a Window in to Human Nature” is really interesting and he has a great IDEAS. Indirect speech act is important in people life; some how for people to make their speech polite is use it in really sensitive situation. As Stephen Pinker says: “Language is a window in to social relations” for example: “ if you could pass the guacamole that would be awesome.” As Stephen explained it, “ now when you think about it that does not make a whole lot of sense. But we effortlessly recognize it as a polite request.” Also asking for fund raising is a hard job so a indirect and polite way to wants fund is another example of Stephen Pinker: “ We are counting on you to show leadership in our campaign for the future.” It’s a polite and really interesting way to say give me money. The “language as a window in human nature” helps me to find indirect ways to bribe to the police, and I hope it help others too.

175 words

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

power of time
"The Secret Powers of Time" by Philip Zimbardo, was ten minutes of interesting facts about how we human relate time to their everyday life. There are three ways that we look at times and make decision to make every day a better or worse for ourselves . we are either too connected to the past, to present , or the future. most of us nowadays look forward to future, do more work and don’t make time for family and friends. sometimes we can't make to eat on time, just to make a good future while we don’t know what might happen in the next hour or next day. Another interesting facts is that in Sicily;an island in the Mediterranean constituting a region of Italy they can only speak of what "is" or what "was" but not what "will be ". In my opinion " The Secret Powers of Time" is a great video for those who are depressed from the back and who are to obsessed to the unpredictable future, future is now!
176 words

Unknown said...

Persuasive RSAnimate
After watching the Paradox Choice by Professor Renata Salecl, I was persuaded by it because it helped people realize that they were in cages and helped them get out of these. After watching the video, it convinced me to believe that choice is the ability to choose what we want, to reflect on and how we spend our time. Choice does not impair; however, incomplete or misleading information is what impairs us. Anyone trying to sell the idea that choice is bad is trying to make those choices for you. The speaker is analyzing everything; but we never stop learning & growing and our choices are suggestive of this. From birth, everything is learned behavior and it is because of our own choices that we experience changes within ourselves. To promote change is to lead by example, providing we are promoting productivity. It is when we let go of societal blame that we are truly free.
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Students# 66559