Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Something New; Something Different; Something Memorable

Write your response as a comment before coming to class. Bring a word processed (and double spaced) copy to class that day.

Write a minimum of 100 words (and no more than 150) per topic. Provide a heading to each one in order to separate your text. One paragraph per topic seems to work best. Using a variety of sentences and punctuation will increase your score.

Remember that your words will be read by next term’s class, so try to provide useful and accurate information for them to better understand our studies this term. I will post a comment here during the vacation but do not expect you to do your work before the first week of January.

Stay safe and enjoy your holiday.


Brad said...

Something New

Wislawa Szymborska reminds us: “Nothing’s a gift/It’s all on loan.” And, as we found out, “Life is the only way,” so, with her words in mind, I design each new semester and hope to experience something new. On the first day, I counted 41 in English 12; that was certainly new. Group work, though often frantic, still worked in a large class. Although I love teaching my smaller English 11, the fantastic number of combinations of student styles and personalities in 12 made planning groups a new and interesting challenge (after first figuring out who’s present, late, probably coming and so on!). I had more younger students and am often charmed (and sometimes exasperated) by your youthful energy. It’s not new to notice that adults lead complicated lives; it is new for me to note how younger adults face equal complexity. In the end, there is always something new but, as the semester closes I have to remember “It’s all on loan”!

—161 words

Something Different

Grading is hard. Does a poorly done assignment reflect student misunderstanding of instructions, hurried work due to personal burdens, a lack of the intellect needed to get the job done? Since my decisions and judgements affect students in profound ways, I need to be careful. What is different is that I am getting better at it every year. Students have challenged my judgements more this term (perhaps the influence of youth) and I find myself having to justify to myself exactly why I’ve reached a conclusion. Allowing rewrites for assignments that fail to meet ministry standards has made a difference for students and that is encouraging. I feel it’s better to have a chance to make it right (and know what makes it that way). Students often come back stronger from the experience if it’s done with the right spirit. Although it is never easy being the marker, I like to try something different in hopes of softening the blows!

—160 words

Something Memorable

We humans love a good conversation; this term we’ve had quite a few. Teachers often comment on our noise level during group work (the 12s, especially!) but in the context of “It sounds like they’re having fun!” Indeed, I have fond memories of this term. One day that sticks out is our “Let’s Take a Look” exercise, where we came back to class having witnessed how state power collides with the right to protest and dissent. The issues were important, the conversations intense. Many had mixed feelings but, more important, you had the chance to explore how you felt about what you had seen; in a safe place, I think, one that has created a number of good memories for many of you. I only wish I could remember more—observing groups in action is frustrating too, since I cannot follow the many conversations. But it’s not what I remember, it’s that you had them!

—155 words

Farhad. R said...

Something New

English 11, with Brad, was definitely the most knowledgeable class for me. I loved the fact that everyday there was something new to learn. For example, (quotations should take up no more than 20% of the total words in an answer), was something new for me. The film about Temple Grandin’s unique brine and behaviour was really new and interesting, I never knew that a person with diagnosis could be that brilliant. Moreover, now I know more about Bel Air or “the Baghdad of Haiti”, and its “ghosts”.
There is no doubting the fact that the many new things I have learned from Mr. Brad have greatly expanded my knowledge much wider than before. 122 words

Something Different

I have found English 11 at PALC different then all my previous classes, and it is all because of Brad’s unique style of teaching. He uses a combination of film, politics, environmental examples, our interests, and current events to teach us English. For example, he shows us a movie or a famous lecture, and then makes us write a response to it. This is something which I’ve found really beneficial because it has helped to improve my listening and writing skills. In addition, this process has also expanded my vocabulary. Another thing that has made this experience extra beneficial is the group work. Brad make us share almost all of our assignments in a small group before we hand it in, so that way we get one more chance to review and get to know other peoples’ point of view. It is unquestionable that Brad’s unique teaching methods make his class a beneficial learning experience.155 words

Something memorable

By attending almost every class, I have acquired many memorable memories from English 11. Some funny, some interesting, some embarrassing and so on. I recall the first week of school when we had to do a presentation in front of the class; I still remember the feeling, my legs were shaking, my face was turning red, and I was keep telling myself, “DO NOT LOOK UP!”, but somehow I got through it. Moreover, I will never forget the disagreement that I had in one of my group discussions with one of my colleagues, about an assignment, called “Homework”, where she found the mother’s actions to where is her son very innocent, and I disagreed with this interpretation. Now when I recall that memory, it reminds me of how we are all different. All in all, I cherish the memories from English 11 because they have helped me learn many new things. 156 words

Michael Zhao said...

Something New

This term, my first experience with “Group Work” left a deep impression on me. In “Group Work”, our teacher, Brad, usually asked students to write a short paragraph explaining our first reaction to the stories, movies, etc., and this work is called “Individual Work”. Then students go to “Group Work” to discuss their comments and opinions about the stories, movies, etc.. Because of the students’ different cultural backgrounds, the students’ reactions are also quite different. Because we have varied opinions and even sometimes arguments, group work can help us to more deeply understand the themes of the stories from different perspectives, and to improve our analytical skills. But during group work, some students are very quiet and this sometimes leads to the group work getting stuck. Next term I hope that the teacher can inspire every student to actively join in these discussions because every one can learn something from others through group work. (155 words)

Something Different

This term is the first time when I joined Brad’s class. I notice that two things are unique compared to the courses I have taken through adult education. One thing is worksheets. The worksheets show us the teaching schedule of every course very clearly. For instance, what the students should do in and after the class, the homework’s requirements and so on. When reviewing all of my courses, I found that the worksheets were so well organized that reviewing went very smoothly. Another unique thing is the presentations. Students are usually asked to “give some short remarks on the process you followed and any difficulties you experienced.” Although these questions are simple, students can learn new things from each other, such as how to work out the plot of the presentation and their experiences. But sometimes presentations are hard to understand, especially poems. Next term it would be very helpful if students could use Powerpoint for their presentations. (158 words)

Something Memorable

Since the students in our class are from different cultural backgrounds, we have quite different comments and opinions about the same stories. For instance, after reading “Home Work”, some students think George’s mother should not tell George about his grand parents’ unfortunate experiences, as these experiences will have a bad effect on George. But in our Chinese culture, parents usually think it is very important to let their children learn from these unfortunate experiences because children may then more appreciate their present happy life. Actually it is very interesting that we may learn different opinions from different cultures through our group work. This term we had the chance to write a list poem, and this was the first time I had to write a poem in English. Although using Szymborska’s poem “A Note” as a model, it was still very hard for me. I hope that we have another chance to write a poem again next term because writing poetry is very challenging and interesting. (165 words)

Li Chen said...

Something New

Studying in Pearson ALC English 11 is a rather new experience for me. Firstly, our teacher, Mr. Brad, uses the blog online to increase interaction both the teacher and us. I like this kind of interactivities, which not only could we learn from the teacher, but also we could learn from each other. Secondly, Mr. Brad chose some meaningful topics, such as "Occupy Wall Street" and a video "Pepper Spraying of Students", and a thought-provoking movie "Nineteen Eighty-Four". We could realize something he well-designed, something he warned of and something he encouraged to think. The latest and challenge was that Mr. Brad asked us to write poetry! Oh, even written a poem with my native language was a work of long long time ago! Anyway, it is my pleasure and luck to study in Pearson ALC English 11, even which is a challenge to me.
[145 words]

Something Different

Studying English in Pearson ALC are something different from adult education of other cities. Firstly, the teachers encourage students to think more independently, to exchange of thoughts, opinions, and feelings each other. For example, in the classroom we were asked to discuss and share each opinion for some topic. Furthermore, we also were asked to write down our classmates' opinion in our later writing work, which is not only we should focus on other classmates' opinions, but also we should organize their points in our works in logical. As a result, I learnt and shared a lot something different thoughts from them. I still remember, in "Homework", one of my classmate, who is a mother, shared her experiences of education with her kids. On the other hand, our teacher, Mr. Brad, uses some modern information technology, such as blog, wireless keyboard, which makes us interactions more intimate and easy. In my opinion, our teacher and his teaching style are closer to a professor at a university. As an adult student, I like it.
[168 words]

Something Memorable

There are a lot of memorable things in this term. For instance, the topic of "Ghost", "Homework", "Occupy Wall Street" and "1984" are memorable. But the most memorable is that we were asked to write a poem. It is a hard work to me to create a poem in English. The last time I wrote a poem was when I was a high school student. And also, we were asked to recite ourselves poem! Conceivably, what a challenge work is! Fortunately, Mr. Brad gave us some sample. "A Note: Life is the only way", which aroused some echoes in my heart, is one of them. Yes, life is a one way journey. In the blog and classroom, we shared poems each other. I am fond of this kind of woke because it is the first time I try to write an English poem. It is memorable because "you never know you can do it until you try it!" Maybe that is what Mr. Brad endeavors for us! [167 words]

Vitaliy said...

Something New

There is something new every day. This course had a bunch of stuff that I wasn’t familiar with. Academic writing guide and guide to literary terms were quite helpful in better understanding the stories that we studied during the course. Such as the story “Old man at the bridge” by Ernest Hemingway. I find it impressive how the writer reveals serious problems by describing seemingly ordinary life situation. Such as, the forced migration of people, due to the military situation in the region. Also the how the old man, despite all the chaos, was still worried about his animals.

Something Different

What does different mean? The free online dictionary defines it as “out of the ordinary; unusual”. I am referring to the changing educational system. When I was studying in school, everybody was using books, pens and pencils. But now, with the development of high tech, there are more means and ways for students to study and communicate with each other. The rapid growth of computational power and decreasing cost of computers led to the widespread use of high technologies, allowing such things as internet, e-mail, distant education, etc. It’s good to see that Brad is up to date and actively using above mentioned technologies (e.g. blogging) in his educational approach.

Something Memorable

I guess for me it was the group experience because, as everybody knows, Canada is famous for its multiculturalism. Meeting new people gives you the opportunity to broaden your own horizons and share your experiences. Often you can hear stories that won’t be broadcasted on television. It helps to differentiate truth from lies. It definitely helps to develop one’s language skills being in study groups. Because often the topics you are given is not something that you will discuss with your friends.

Asad Rezai said...

Something new

English 11 was a very different class than my other previous classes I've had in the past. I am finding the way of Brad’s teaching something new, since he has his own technique of teaching for his students. For example, we have worked through many movies, and clips that i never had in any other English classes. This class was also very openness with Brad’s experience which it shaped up into a unique class. For instance, in a group work the students could confidently comment and express their ideas about a topic or a lesson whether it was right or wrong. We have also learned so many things about each other’s like background, personality, and cultures. (116)

Something different

This class wasn’t as hard as I expected. Thanks to our teacher that made us all feel like part of a team. However In this team, we did most of the assignments with a very least instruction from the teacher (Brad), which was kind of the opposite from other teachers that I've had in the past. Since I never had the chance to a write poem and work on my poetry in my other classes like the way we do in Brad’s class, I also finally got this opportunity for the first time to write one which was, something I had never done before. So I’ll take it as a great experience, which I have added into my skills. (119)

Something Memorable

There was also a lot of fun in this class most of all during our group discussions. The funniest day I can remember was the day when we were all asked to tell an amusing story to the class where we all each ended up with a sarcastic one. In fact I have to acknowledge that this class was very useful in many ways. I have learned major of things about facts and people that I weren't aware of them such as "temple Grandin, we’re the 99%, and occupy Wall Street" which in this class we got the chance to find out about them, and study them. (107)

Bogdan said...

Something New

To come back to school after more than a decade and to study in a different language it is, indeed, something new for me. If in the past –in my country, I was used with a specific way to develop my creative thinking, now I had to relearn, step by step, the “local” way of doing “things.” The group work was something unique in my student activity and at the same time I found it the most interesting way of communicating. Who wouldn’t like to talk and to be listened? To watch movies during the English classes it is another new experience for me – very pleasant, too. To “write” a poem as homework was the most beautiful new thing I had to do it; never happened in my previous school activity to write a poem – mostly reading and memorising it. To learn to write short and consistent ideas instead of long sentences learned in my previous years of education was another “big-time” that I had it.

Words 166

Something Different

To learn English language with Brad – a native English teacher -- has a more positive impact upon the student – me, in this case, than learning it in a country of non-English speakers with wherever teacher is teaching it. If in the past I had to learn English from somebody that struggled so hard to emulate the real English accent, yet fully qualified for doing that, know I have to face the real one —the teacher and the accent. To face the reality is not always as easy as I thought especially when you have to “deal” with somebody who not only that speaks English almost perfect but has a tremendous knowledge about it. So, having these two advantages, one learning English in Canada, and second having Brad as a teacher I could really say that something is different.

Words 138

Something Memorable

Something memorable? Oh, yes! I will never forget the day I had the Poetry class, and one of my classmates started to read aloud, in front of us, “his way of life.” “Life is the only way, to eat a banana in the kitchen.” Indeed, he had a different point of view of what poetry means for him, rather than all others that tried to impress – more or less, at this chapter of literature. Despite the fact that everyone was so amused – including me, about that, still a question raised in my mind “What is wrong with eating the banana in the kitchen”? Come on! Everybody does that, if not at least once in a life time. Besides that, his poem was a “healthy” one, banana being well known for its health benefits. Of course, there are other memorable moments in my mind but sometimes little funny things like “eating the banana in the kitchen”, becomes an immortal image in my mind.

Words 162

pearl said...

Something new

For my first time being an English 11 student here in Canada, I dare to say this is new to me. I never dream of having those issues that just happening and still buzzing on everyday life to bring in class room with many students’ voice from their point of view. My grade eleven back home was a tight and compact learning style. All I had to do was listen and commit to memory. Now the new topic in English eleven is challenging me. I feel panic, ill at ease, and puzzled. To be honest, I am not that apt pupil to cope with new events and speak with fervor and assurance. Dull as I, I am engrossed in the conversation which always conducted in a cordial atmosphere. I dare to say again I learned something new in every session.
( 140 words)

Something different

Group work in English eleven make me gradually perceive the agree to disagree.
From the very beginning, my group agrees on the vision power while other group has kinesiology perspective. While discuss “Homework”, I bet those younger ones just want to have their days freely and forget about the family commitment. On the “Old man and the bridge”, everyone tried hard to interpreted the meaning and theme of life in time of war. Though the outcomes differed yet resulted in valuable. The most astonished issue arising around among the global community and the “Ghost” make us review the social norm and dignity of civil rights. With these different materials like movies, internets, poems, article, other than books, the classroom become a totally different one compared with my used grade eleven, I would say, it is not just something different!
(139 words)

Something memorable

Seeing is believing. It has long been taken for granted and apply to our daily life recognition. But the story of our teacher Brad told us his story on strike make me never forget that in my learning. Before I don’t believe teachers have the rights to strike, nor do those nurses, postman, bus drivers. Here, I experienced the power of union and the tolerance of people no matter the government or the citizens. People deem the strike as a right, just like the movement of Occupy Wall Street, when people take to the street, you will see the strength of people united together. How sad was the strength of appeal been discredited or twisted in somehow! I personally have sympathy for the unfairness! I will remember this “something” of a memorable story really happened to teachers here.
(137 words)

Jessica said...

Something New

There are tons of new stuffs this semester (especially because I am new to the Adult Learning Centre).
New classmates, new teacher, new everything. There are always something new to learn in English 11
class such as; current events, punctuation and "How to write with style". I was surprise! On how Brad
used the modern technology in ways that students can share and communicate their understanding
towards an assignment we were given. The blog was really helpful, because the comments posted by
Brad and my fellow students are there to further explain the topics we are given in class. It is also a
way to check if I am on the right track.
-112 words

Something Different

I certainly enjoyed the time when we watch an RSA Animate presentation. These types of video use an
artistic way of explaining a topic by sketching the scenario combine with written and oral presentation. I
was amazed as I watch this video, because I, myself loved to draw when I was in high school (don't
really have the time now) but maybe it's because I'm lazy. Either way! That video was definitely
refreshing to watch. Brad always finds a way to make a topic to appear more interesting and sometimes
fun. I hope to watch more of those kinds of lecture in the near future.
-104 words

Something Memorable

Every group work always leave an impression on each student, whether it's good or bad, funny or just
plain boring. There might be some arguments along the way, but that's how an individual gets to each
others point of view and that's normal! Right? I must admit, at first I was really uncomfortable to share
my writing with the other students, but as time passes by I became more confident in myself and my
own writing. I never in a million years imagine my self as a public speaker, but I am hopeful to gain more
confidence as I go through life's challenges.
-103 words

Jamshead said...

Something New
Every single day of school is basically a new day to learn and experience something new. In English 11, the first and my favorite new thing was I introduced with all brand new people (classmates) including my teacher (Brad). Then, the blog assignment which was a totally new material for me. In fact, it is very helpful tool; like one or two times I had no idea how to write the homework and after reading other’s assignment on the blog I got the idea. And the good thing is I can easily check online everyone’s homework as long as I have computer or smart phone. I really thank Brad for coming up with such a great concept.
-119 words

Something Different
The experience of English 11 semester was much different than any other classes I have ever had. When I used to go to school I have never written any poems even in my native language (Dari). The first time I went over the blog and looked at previous English 11 student’s homework; they talked about writing a class poem and presentation. I realized that this class could be different and very challenging that need to be study hard. Now with the help of Brad, I have learned how to write good structured poems. Not only the poems but the assignments that Brad gives us were different too. It’s not easy to find it over internet and copy it off. You have to dig deep and express your own feelings.

-130 words

Something memorable
I think the most memorable I had in this semester was all the group discussion we had. The way everyone interacted with one another even though they were all from different races and different thought and opinions. Despite the class discussion, outside of class during the break time the little chat and conversation we had were also interesting. We got to know each other a little better and that’s what I liked about it. I hope that my English 12 class will be more interesting and memorable.

-89 words

Serena K. said...

Something Memorable

Through this course, I learned about various people in the current world, and had time to think about “how to live” among them. Not only discovering vocabulary words, but taking a close look into extraordinary events broke indifference and expanded my sight about the world. I noticed we were living in a very chaotic time, but I didn’t know why or how it’s been going on. Now I’ve got ideas to act for positive changes as one of 99%. Also, I learned precious ideas which can help to live in quality. I had time to think how I develop myself, remembering “Human can be shaped in anything.” Many times, I thought happiness was given when I had no worries; however, I woke up when I heard, “Strive to be happy.” 130 Words

soltana said...

Here I Am
Love touching cool breeze on my face wake me up from deep sleep. Love being on the countryside during the summer to enjoy the natural views (the lake smooth waves, the sun brilliant reflection on the lake).

Loved walking with my friends on snowy day, making snowman, snow fighting. (Making snowball and throwing to each other). We grew up.
Loved being with my cousins, watching Indian movies until midnight during the winter vacation in the chilly weather, but now we don’t live the same country any more.

Look at life as one way street go on even I want U- turn it isn’t possible.