Friday, April 15, 2011

List Poems

Post your poem here as a comment before class next Wednesday.

Note that the original, "Possibilities," is 39 lines (but only 31 begin with "I prefer"). Your poem should be a minimum of 32 lines (remember that lines and sentences are not the same thing in a poem).

It is possible for you to "bend" the lines a bit to suit your own poem/poetry. Thus, a line like the one about Dickens/Dostoevsky could become: "I prefer Lady Gaga to Michael Buble" or if you'd like to use alliteration you might say, "I prefer Metallica to Madonna." In this way, you still express a preference that characterizes the speaker (most often that will be you).

Also, please remember that some of the lines are parts of a sentence (two lines equal one sentence). This helps to break up the pattern a bit. Be aware of this and do the same, although you may choose to do it in slightly different spots.

Here is a copy of our samples  if you'd like to write your list poem with a sample poem on the split screen view in Word.


Brad said...

Other Possibilities

I prefer rivers.
I prefer dogs.
I prefer the lilacs along the back fence.
I prefer Orwell to O Henry.
I prefer myself hiking mountains
to myself sitting around.
I prefer keeping canned jams on hand, just in case.
I prefer the colour blue.
I prefer not to maintain
that everyone feels the same way.
I prefer conditions.
I prefer to stay on.
I prefer talking to teachers about everyday struggles.
I prefer the old ten speed bicycles.
I prefer the absurdity of teaching
to the absurdity of not being a teacher.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, to remember things
that we have shared together.
I prefer philosophers
who have no more idea than me.
I prefer the earth in springtime.
I prefer humility to hubris.
I prefer having some doubts.
I prefer the hell of the imagination to the hell of doctrine.
I prefer The New Yorker to The Atlantic Monthly
I prefer friends without pretence to friends without sense.
I prefer dogs sniffing in a park.
I prefer my eyes, since mine are two colours.
I prefer garden sheds.
I prefer zeroes in my bank account
to those on a student’s paper.
I prefer to knock three times.
I prefer not to ask what comes next and how.
I prefer keeping in mind the possibility
that things will all work out in the end.

—Brad Hyde; April 16, 2011

Kyle said...

I prefer walks.
I prefer humans.
I prefer the fire hydrants along Kingsway.
I prefer McConnell to Millan.
I prefer myself racing bicycles
to myself chasing buses.
I prefer keeping my tennis ball, just in case.
I prefer the colour yellow.
I prefer not to ponder
that there isn't a time to play.
I prefer fascinations.
I prefer to be at the ready.
I prefer growling to veterinarians about how much I hate them.
I prefer the picture outside the window.
I prefer the absurdity of intruders
to the absurdity of postmen.
I prefer, where love's concerned, playing dead
to avoid awkward situations.
I prefer trainers
who promise me a treat.
I prefer loving loyalty to the over-concerned kind.
I prefer won to winning territory.
I prefer having some opinion.
I prefer paths without people to people without paths.
I prefer seeing my tongue, since you can too.
I prefer toilet bowls.
I prefer kibbles on the floor
to those neatly in a dish.
I prefer the time of summer to the time of winter.
I prefer not to whine how soon and where.
I prefer holding this thought
that simple things are what life's about.

Matthew said...

I prefer books.
I prefer Irish wolfhounds.
I prefer the willows on Vivaldi Avenue.
I prefer Hitchens to Dawkins
I prefer myself learning the answer
to myself knowing the answer.
I prefer keeping an extra pack of smokes on hand,
just in case.
I prefer a cold beer on hot days.
I prefer darker colours.
I prefer not to believe in supernatural majesties
to which there is no evidence.
I prefer science and reason.
I prefer night, when I am fully awake.
I prefer talking to friends
about the good ol’ times.
I prefer Hellenistic sculptures.
I prefer the absurdity of altruism
to the absurdity of egoism.
I prefer, where human solidarity is concerned,
to leave no one behind.
I prefer people with brilliant ideas.
I prefer solid ground.
I prefer to live my life knowing that the end of it is (fucking) soon.
I prefer the hell of monotony
to the chaos of its antonym.
I prefer the BBC to CBC.
I prefer no surprises.
I prefer “Dew-bops” eyes,
since hers are the only ones that make me feel at ease.
I prefer to keep in mind the simple truth
that recognizing ignorance is the essence of a knowledgeable person.

Marwa said...

I prefer loud music.
I prefer birds.
I prefer roses along the way.
I prefer Eminem to Akon.
I prefer myself doing homework
to myself sitting doing nothing.
I prefer keeping my makeup in my purse, just in case.
I prefer the color pink.
I prefer not to mention.
I prefer myself.
I prefer staying up late.
I prefer talking to my friends about school.
I prefer chatting on Facebook with my best friends.
I prefer the absurdity of knowing
to the absurdity of not knowing anything.
I prefer love over money.
I prefer intelligent friends over talented people.
I prefer the earth when I’m on the plain.
I prefer my country (Iraq)
I prefer not crying over anything.
I prefer BC news to world news.
I prefer picking blueberry’s from the tree instead of buying from the grocery store.
I prefer dogs running after cats.
I prefer my eyes, since I see everything with them.
I prefer time to stop and never get older.
I prefer not to regret the past, but learn from it and live for the future.
I prefer keeping in mind every step I took in life and to appreciate everyone who supported me.

Niloufar said...

I prefer The Trees.
I prefer Fish.
I prefer Ice along the mountains.
I prefer Milton to Margaret.
I prefer myself accepting my mistakes
To myself by ignoring the truth.
I prefer keeping my wallet on hand, just in case.
I prefer the color orange.
I prefer differences.
I prefer not to believe
That god is kind.
I prefer Astronauts.
I prefer to stay more.
I prefer talking to my doctor about nightmares.
I prefer the old-fashion shoes.
I prefer the absurdity of a smile
To the absurdity of an indignation.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, not a particular date,
That can be memorable forever.
I prefer democrats
Who promise me nothing.
I prefer the earth offering humanity.
I prefer spanned to spanning countries.
I prefer having some privacy.
I prefer not knowing
What is next and how.
I prefer short news on the internet to the newspapers.
I prefer earth without sun
to sun without earth.
I prefer dogs barking after cats.
I prefer my eyes, since they do magic.
I prefer handmade desk drawer.
I prefer things yelled out loud
To be kept inside.
I prefer the time of wolfs
To the time of humans in jungle.
I prefer waiting for a knock.
I prefer zeroes not as empty.
I prefer a wild jungle to the garden of flowers.
I prefer the hell of hardest jobs to the hell of boringness.
I prefer keeping in mind that human never can notice when they are building the remembrances.

Amy Dong said...

I prefer mountains.
I prefer eagle.
I prefer the willows along the lake.
I prefer Ricky Martin to Madonna.
I prefer myself travelling all over the world
to myself watching TV shows at home.
I prefer keeping a book on hand, just in case.
I prefer the colors blue and green.
I prefer not to say that I told you before.
I prefer surprises.
I prefer to go to bed early.
I prefer talking to my friends about our children.
I prefer the old pictures.
I prefer watching children learning something
to watching them doing nothing.
I prefer, where family’s concerned, nonspecific anniversaries
that can be celebrated every day.
I prefer friends
who explain to me nothing.
I prefer glassy face to glassy eyes.
I prefer the time limitless.
I prefer helping to being helped.
I prefer having my own reading room.
I prefer drawings from my child to drawings in a book.
I prefer Santa Claus to the Manager.
I prefer green grass without flowers to flower without green grass.
I prefer dogs running in the wild.
I prefer young girl, since I am mature.
I prefer the chest of drawers.
I prefer listening to what the wise people are saying
to saying what I want to the wise people.
I prefer the friends with childlike heart
to those with childish manners.
I prefer the taste of food to the taste of perfume.
I prefer to dance with a good partner.
I prefer to be touched by snow.
I prefer not to rush to do something.
I prefer keeping in mind to learn the toleration that anyone has ever given.

Darija said...

I prefer my old wrist watch.
I prefer puppy.
I prefer snowdrops on the plain.
I prefer Cosic over Kish.
I prefer myself doing yoga
to myself sitting in a chair.
I prefer keeping Kleenex in my pocket, just in case.
I prefer the colour black.
I prefer not to think
that I cannot change.
I prefer peple who inspire me.
I prefer to wake up at dawn.
I prefer talking to old people about anything.
I prefer Skype.
I prefer the absurdity of understanding
to the absurdity of not understanding anything.
I prefer to be helpful for no reason.
I prefer my old friend
who babbles endlessly.
I prefer warm sand on empty beaches.
I prefer sunny countries with hilarious people.
I prefer not thinking
about what was said.
I prefer The National to BBC news.
I prefer apples with dark spots
to glossy apples with the same shapes.
I prefer dogs with shrewd eyes.
I prefer life eyes since mine are inert.
I prefer the time of earthy paths
to the time of modern streets.
I prefer not to cry.
I prefer keeping in mind that
the sun always comes after rains.

Steven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ensieh said...

I prefer movies.
I prefer cats.
I prefer Vancouver.
I Tom cruise to Brad Pit.
I prefer myself doing work.
I prefer keeping a pen and post- it just in case.
I prefer the color red.
I prefer not travel when I don’t have money.
I prefer to talk to my doctor about my issues.
I prefer sleep late.
I prefer where love concerned, talk to my friends to forget my problems.
I prefer the rain to the snow.
I prefer my old dress.
I prefer the absurdity of important thing to the absurdity of noting.
I prefer my coworkers.
I prefer love to the like.
I prefer the earth for ever.
I prefer Canada.
I prefer not to know things that are not changeable.
I prefer the Vancouver Sun to the 24 Hours.
I prefer home made food to the outside food.
I prefer rose.
I prefer fish when they eating.
I prefer to hear with both my ears.
I prefer the time of my grandmother to the time of myself.
I prefer not to ask.
I prefer keeping in mind the secret of my close friends.
I prefer not to have a test.
April 20, 2011 12:09 PM

Unknown said...

I prefer novels
I prefer dogs
I prefer the water lilies on the pond
I prefer Rice to Meyers
I prefer myself composing a piece
to myself playing my violin
I prefer keeping my peace, just in case
I prefer the colour red
I prefer not to say
that I am a follower
I prefer musicians
I prefer to arrive early
I prefer talking to a friend about my problems
I prefer CD players
I prefer the absurdity of writing a vampire love story
to writing a romantic love story
I prefer love to lead me to the one
I prefer artists
who stay true to themselves
I prefer random kindness to unneccesary charities
I prefer the earth covered in grass
I prefer living in English Countries
I prefer the unexpected events/surprises
I prefer imprisonment to forced belief conversions
I prefer Anne Rice's Chronicles to Stephanie Meyers' Twilight Saga
I prefer fresh petals from white roses to petals in a package
I prefer the watery blues, since my eyes are hazel nut
I prefer lockets
I prefer zero is the end of your life
I prefer the time of trees to the time of bushes
I prefer to take risks
I prefer not to ask if someone is a killer in a room
I prefer keeping in mind we are born with what makes us extraordinary.

hayelom said...

I prefer Bible.
I prefer Little Rabbit.
I prefer the firs on Queens Park.
I prefer Peter to Daniel.
I prefer myself driving to school
to myself catching a bus.
I prefer keeping my changes in my pocket, just in case.
I prefer the colour green.
I prefer not to swim
that I have not any chance to survive.
I prefer manqués
I prefer not to be late.
I prefer talking to my teacher about my home work.
I prefer the seventies fashion.
I prefer the absurdity of having
to the absurdity of nothing.
I prefer to thank you.
I prefer quires
who arrive with a good voice.
I prefer the sky, sometimes.
I prefer capital cities.
I prefer solders
Who promise to keep the country.
I prefer The Discovery to The Late Shaw Chanel.
I prefer being in church to pup club.
I prefer morning birds.
I prefer to run with both legs.
I prefer the time of praying
to the time of being worry.
I prefer not to bother.
I prefer keeping in mind the attitude of
a lieder-ship reflects it self.

-Hayelom Fanta.

Anonymous said...

I prefer sport.
I prefer dogs.
I prefer Daft Punk over Lady Gaga.
I prefer barbacue on Okanagan lake.
I prefer myself going for the goals then sitting on the couch.
I prefer keeping my deodorant in the lockeroom at work,just in case.
I prefer colour green.
I prefer not to say something that I dont really mean.
I prefer athletes.
I prefer to come early.
I prefer talking positivey to myself even when I have a bad day.
I prefer newspapers.
I prefer absurdity that you can do it to the absurdity that you cant.
I prefer politicians who fight for their beleifs.
I prefer earth without borders.
I prefer my country to foreign country.
I prefer unexpected.
I prefer internet to TV.
I prefer my mom cookies to chocolates from grocery store.
I prefer green eyes,dont know why.
I prefer dogs with chubby cheeks.
I prefer not to ask why are you late.
I prefer keeping in mind immposible is nothing.

Steven said...

I prefer comedies.
I prefer puppies.
I prefer the perspective from the Burnaby Mountain.
I prefer Roald Dahl to Robert Frost.
I prefer myself wiping windows
to myself mopping floors
I prefer keeping few dollars and coins on hand, just in case.
I prefer the color white.
I prefer not to regret
that mistakes were to record my journey.
I prefer perfection.
I prefer to finish in time.
I prefer talking to peers about something in common.
I prefer the new merchandise brochures.
I prefer the absurdity of reading manuals
to the absurdity of not reading manuals.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, any holidays
that can be celebrated every day.
I prefer soldiers
who promise no wars.
I prefer forgivable second chance to the forgettable one more chance.
I prefer the earth under sunlight.
I prefer civilized to civilizing countries.
I prefer having some imagination.
I prefer the hell of evolution to the hell of revolution.
I prefer Jay Leno’s “The Tonight Show“ to CNN’s breaking news.
I prefer dog wag the tail to the tail wag the dog.
I prefer horses with unshod hooves.
I prefer sharp eyes, since mine are dull.
I prefer my old countertop.
I prefer the things that I still remember
to the things that I hardly recall.
I prefer the laid-back way of living
to the overwhelming information.
I prefer the time of trees to the time of weeds.
I prefer to kick on tires.
I prefer not to think of the end and how.
I prefer keeping in mind even ordinary days
which most ignored have shaped my way of being.