Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Semicolon: Rita, Frank, Wahzma, Jane

Put your examples here. Each student makes one comment before next Wednesday's class.


Rita said...

Semicolon example in “Adopting the Dim-Sum Strategy”:
They’ve clearly read those studies about children and second languages: Children lose their ability to learn a language fully and perfectly by age 4; more languages equates with higher intelligence.

The semicolon here is used to combine and separate.

In my example, semicolon has same function as the example above.

My son agrees with me that learning Chinese is important to him because we came from China and have the Chinese face; however, he feels difficult to learn a language that he hardly uses.

Frank Jin said...

My example:
Learning English involves studying in several areas; for instance, listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Wazhma said...

My writing class is helping me a lot in improving my English; I also take English 11 and biology 12 classes in this semester to progress.

Rita said...

I made a little change on my previous example, and have a new one.
My son agrees with me that learning Chinese is important to him because we came from China and have Chinese faces; however, he feels it is difficult to learn a language that he hardly uses.

Mary has to get up early for her job and works long hours; in addition, she takes courses in the night school.