Friday, November 7, 2008

Persuasive Essay Assignment

Copy your essay here as a comment and please finish before class begins next Wednesday. Remember this is a first draft; however, I expect a full, 500 word draft. Be sure to design your essay based on the example given to you in class: "Addicted to Oil?"


a crazy couple said...


Destroyer of the Human Future

As a habituated to watch movies in my childhood, I remember after doing daily homework, I was going to the theatre. Watching once a while a rarely sexual imagery so long would hook on to my imagination and mind that I couldn’t get rid of it. However, television programs were too far from having a sexy scene in those days.

Nowadays, however, when my nephew, a ten years old, watching Family Chanel, we cannot find any safe zone for him. More than the half of TV shows, animations, movies, music videos, advertisements, series, talk shows and even some documentaries “are becoming more explicit in dialogue, lyrics, and behaviour.” But they give “unrealistic, inaccurate, and misleading information” about the sex to our children. (AAP Policy website – Sexuality, Contraception, and the media)

How we could protect our offspring from the perils of mass media’s junk sex information? There is no way except education that seems the weakest one against the powerful media with its seducing tools.

For knowing what perils are intimidating our children, we have to know what damages are bringing sexual imagery in the media on the character and personality of the young people. Many families still are not aware of the amount of the bombardment they accepting daily from the mass media about the values that shaped our human society. They target our religion, humanistic beliefs, marriage, allowed sex in the married relationship, the appropriate sexual behaviour, and the imagination of our children which will shape their personality in the future.

The first alarming sign for us is that their exposition about the sex is stronger than families’ because they use familiar and popular stars that are more accepted by young people than their own families. But those stars will demonstrate many altered genders’ roles.

An aggressive female fighter with a specific figure and dress will end to an unrealistic expectation about themselves in the mind of little women. From the childhood, they feel “inadequacy about their bodies”, and this serious psychological impact will lead them to lower self-esteem, being unable to keep up, and feeling stress and anxiety about their shape, gender, personality and character. All these aspects will produce a vision of female as a sex machine to being misused by the mass media cartels.

They also see themselves as masculine females with a great capacity to being rude, nude, and bully. You can imagine that this generation how much have to fight with many mental disorders like depression, bipolar, food disorders and so on, as long as teenage pregnancy and the risk of contracting the sexual diseases such as STV, HIV and AIDS.

For male children and adolescence, we can add many other problems as girls. A crude young muscular male hero, a lover and a fighter, is a familiar role for little men. However, those images also are leading our young males to different levels of mental health, bullying, fighting, and the problem of sexual behaviour to themselves under the age of maturity, in order to be a strong male means having sex even with himself. Beside we can see the increasing amount of sexual assaults, acquaintance rapes and date rapes.

The accentuation of the specific sexual figures and roles is the subject of the new slavery in the post modern days. The core is how people will awake to keep the human dignity or be the slaves of the power, who will play with them as balls. They just want to sell their products and take - like a vampire - all humans’ having or being. What you want to happen to your children and you in the future?
605 words

Makassia said...

9. The legal driving age should be raised/lowered.

Raise or Remain 16: Legal Driving Age

Last year in mid-July when my brother and I were on our way home from Surrey, a teenage boy about sixteen or seventeen, honked and cut right in front of my brother’s 1992 Honda. The driver and his friends screamed, laughed and crossed the red light on a four-way intersection at a speed of maybe eighty-kilometers in a sixty-kilometer zone. After seeing this scene, I said to myself the legal driving age should raise to nineteen instead of sixteen. Do you agree with that?

In my opinion, it should because teenagers have careless driving habits. When some are driving, they don’t think about possible danger ahead of them, rather they play around on the road as though they’re in a playground. An example of that is what I said about the driver who cut in front of my brother. What if my brother was an aggressive teenager like him, what could happen? He would cut in front of him, too, and that could lead to hitting each other’s car, which could lead to a dangerous accident.

Another reason why I say the legal driving age should go up is the sixteens try to do other thing while driving-like talking on phone, or reading or sending text messages.. According to a research by AAA and Seventeen Magazine, “46 percent admit that “they text while driving and 51 percent say they talk on cell phone when driving” and more than 1,000 sixteen and seventeen years old were the drivers.

Furthermore, sixteen years old are likely to be distracted, especially when they have passengers their age. The passengers yell and shout at each other in the back or shout out to tell the driver that a sexy guy or a hot girl is passing by and the driver would want to tell them to stop yelling and fighting at the back or try to see the sexy guy or girl, others are talking about. If the driver is concentrating on what they say or do than the road, then the chance of he or she crashing into another car or driving off the road is greatly possible.

However, they could drive, but only on certain conditions-like being under adult’s supervision and not having teenage friends in car with them.

I know some parents might disagree with the driving age extension to nineteen years’ idea because they would have to drive their kids anywhere they want to go, but is that more important than your child’s life? If they have accident, you can repair or replace your car, but you cannot repair or replace his or her life.

If I were to vote on driving age, I would vote for extension to nineteen years because they are more responsible, more thoughtful and aware of motor vehicle dangers than those below nineteen years. the nineteen years might like to show off, but in a logical, contemplative way; in a safer way not only him or she could be safe but the passenger and other road users.


Eman said...

The Importance of Plastic Surgeries

Plastic or cosmetic surgeries becomes a style in these days. As we see, lots of artists and rich people deal with such surgeries in order to look different. The question, are these surgeries really important? Or people just do for fun and having a charming looking? Are they dangerous, or they’re just like any normal surgery?

Most people like to do plastic surgeries for the purpose of beauty. Although it’s a fact that these surgeries cost a lot of money, however, some people do them because they think its really important for them. Such people are mostly artists, like singers and actors or actresses. They have the right to do some necessary changes in their look because their job requires them to be elegant and having a beautiful face. Also, we like to see the movie stars as samples of beauty that we really affect by their style!

The successful plastic surgery makes a person feels good. Some
Psychologists explain that people who do cosmetic surgeries for their face or body, they can work well for they psychologically feel that they don’t have embarrassing looking, which makes them feel shy or un happy. That is true, in spite of the fact that expresses how these surgeries are painful at the begging, and how the patient feels frustrated because the muscles take time to accept the current changes in the face or body. But, if we like to have gorgeous teeth, for example, we have to bear some pain. I think it deserves that, don’t you think?

Another good fact about plastic surgery is it makes a person look younger. Most of us like to look young, especially, the woman. So it’s a good idea though in most cases are not safe to do skin surgeries. For instance, the laser one is sometimes make the skin look worse than before. The same with the lifting surgery or the silicon, which is a chemical material doctors add it to the skin, and in most cases is dangerous and lead to cancer. However, most people don’t care about that. They venture and do it with no fear because they believe in medical technology.

Besides, Media gives people lots of advertisements about having cosmetics, for example, there is a T.V. program calls “10 Years Younger” which encourages people to do plastic surgery and some changes in style. That program shows before and after pictures of people in order to give the exact image to people about the reality of cosmetics, and how it’s important for human.

This is the reality of plastic surgeries, I mean it is important to do it, but we have to be careful to choose the best doctor who uses the new technology. If a person is courageous, rich, and in need to do cosmetic surgery, he/she can do it. Why not? Each of us wants to look attractive and marvellous!

(502 words)

mia said...

3. Having cosmetic plastic surgery is a bad thing.

Every year, more and more people, female and male or adults and teenagers, run after the new improved technology of cosmetic surgery in a quest for perfection. The rewards such as beauty, youth and vigor are hard to ignore. However, is cosmetic surgery really good for us? Not really. It presents significant risk that cannot be neglected.

The cosmetic surgery, like any other surgery, has risks because it is a rather complicated procedure. We now and then can read this kind of news from the newspaper that people died during the operation. Addition to critical medical risk such as death or paralysis, many people undergo various kinds of trouble in plastic surgery. They could result in side efforts like chronic pain and infection. They may have trouble stopping the bleeding, and the scar may not heal properly, or may not heal at all.

For having a cosmetic surgery, you might have dig deep into your wallet because it costs a considerable amount of money, even the minor one. My friend wanted to have a skin surgery which could make her look younger, but the cost was very high and she couldn’t afford it. So she borrowed the money from the bank. She had little time to enjoy her new pretty looking after surgery since she began to worry about her debt.

My older brother is a psychologist. He told me some of his patients come to see him because of their new looking after their surgical procedures. I was surprised as I heard it. I thought those people who had cosmetic surgery would be happier than before. However, the fact is not like that. The surgery might not produce the look one was seeking, so instead of making the patients happier, it may lead to depression.

Lately, I read an article in the newspaper, and it said a lady was addicted to plastic surgery and has had over 37 surgeries done. I can’t imagine she was willing to undergo the knife for just making herself look better. It really shocked me that the cosmetic surgery could lead people to be an addict.

Cosmetic surgery also causes some unexpected trouble. It is not physical but emotional. My neighbor Ruth had a cosmetic surgery as she was twenty years old. The procedure was very successful, for it changed an ugly girl into a pretty lady. Several years later, she was married to a man, who was very handsome and had a baby girl. The baby was so ugly that her husband couldn’t believe that the girl was his. Later, he learned her wife’s face had a lot of fake stuff, and he felt he was deceived. Eventually, they divorced.

Cosmetic surgery has lots of disadvantages, so I don’t think it is a good thing for us. On the other hand, we don’t need to worry too much about our looking because it is too superficial. I remember a saying that the beauty is skin deep. That is true. The beautiful soul and the positive attitude toward lives are more important to us.

--510 words

ally said...

Topic: persuade that climate change (global warming) is a danger.

We are living on a beautiful blue planet that has been raised human being for thousands of years. We respect, love, and depend to it, and everything about it is closely relevant to us. Therefore, you must have noticed that our beautiful earth is getting a fever gradually—the climate is changing warming. Undoubtedly, for us, one of the creatures living on the earth, we are facing an unheard-of crisis.

The hotter summers and warmer winters in recent years give us a hint of the execution of global warming. However, more and more extreme weather events are happening in all areas of the world causing people to panic. We eagerly want to know what makes all these things happen; the scientists’ conclusion is: the increasing temperature. According to NASA’s studies, extreme weather events are highly correlated with temperature, and average temperatures have climbed 0.8 degrees Celsius around the world since 1880, and it will rise at a faster speed.

The frequent extreme weather such as storms, floods, and hurricanes has made agriculture face a big challenge. Especially in Asia and Africa, the food shortage caused by decades of drought and overpopulation will be more and more serious in the future.

Probably you’ve heard of the famous issue in BC that even bothered our Prime Minister: the beetles in the forests. Since the winter became not cold enough to kill the eggs of beetles, large area of forests had been destroyed by the quantities of beetles. At the same time, many kinds of animals and plants are facing extinction because of the climate change. Those are all supporting evidence of global warming.

Let’s turn from the forest to the sea. With increasing average global temperature, water in oceans expands in volume and the Arctic ice is rapidly disappearing. According to IPCC report, global sea level reaches 0.22 to 0.44 m above 1990 levels, and is rising at about 4mm per year. At this speed, the possibility of coastal cities’ disappearance is more obvious in the future.

For human health, global warming’s effects is direct. Doctors warn that this “could mean more cardiovascular diseases and causes problems for people with asthma and other lung diseases”. Global warming also may make infectious diseases easy to convey, and the newest example is the cholera in Zimbabwe leading to over 130 people dead in this month.

Under the combination of all the above issues, it’s impossible that the global economy is not influenced. Recently the serious financial crisis that is annoying people around the world reminds us not to ignore the effects of climate change. However, the economy is just one of the many social issues caused by global warming.

Some people may feel that the climate change is steady and scientists are overreacting, but the existing climate models predict that global temperatures will increase by 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius before 2100. We might not see such horrible scenes, yet after all, we don’t want to leave a broken earth to our children.

“Warming as dangerous as war”, the chief of U.N has said like this. We also seem to hear that our beautiful planet in a fever is gasping heavily, and at least after realizing that, we can try our best to slow the steps of global warming.

545 words

Reference from these sources:

Rita said...

Persuade us that having cosmetic plastic surgery is a good /bad thing.

Look Good or Feel Good

When people see that after the cosmetic plastic surgery, a common person became more beautiful than before on an advertisement or a TV show, they will think they also can just pay some money for changing their appearance. Nowadays, media make cosmetic plastic surgery seem easy, and give people successful images. On positive side, cosmetic plastic surgery creates an image that makes people feel more confident and comfortable with their appearance; however, it is just not as that easy as the promotions say and people think.

Like any other surgical procedure, cosmetic plastic surgery can never be completely free of risk. From anesthesia, blood clots, infection, and scarring, in rare circumstances, even death can occur. Be wear of that cosmetic plastic surgery is a serious surgery! The statistics say that nearly one-third of all patients who experienced side effects and complications, and found them at least somewhat difficult to manage. Back in the late 1980's and early 90's, thousands of women who had silicone breast implants, later experienced ruptured implants. Up to 93% ruptured within 10 years, incredibly. It caused myriad connective-tissue and autoimmune diseases that included multiple sclerosis. There are many risks for people having a cosmetic plastic surgery, but they did not be told until they found out.

The cosmetic plastic surgery could cause irreversible fail. The famous rock star, Michael Jackson, was born a cute African- American guy. He started to have cosmetic plastic surgery at his twenties. He spent lots of money on many surgeries during last over 25 years, and even became a “white”. Look at him on the magazines now, he got all messed up and looks like wearing a broken mask. He has lots of money to get the best doctor in the world, still couldn't get what he wanted. So believe or not, if the surgery fail, you can't get back you former appearance anymore.

Procedures and healing times vary, so you should do your own research into what's involved in your particular procedure and choose a doctor who is certified to make sure what it will be. Numerous studies have found that most patients seem satisfied with their procedures, at least in the short term, and surgery might improve body image. At the same time, the researchers also found that patients who are dissatisfied with surgery may request repeat procedures or experience depression, adjustment problems, social isolation, family problems, self-destructive behaviors and anger toward the surgeon and his or her staffs. Physical and mental healing will take time and cost more your money. They are expensive and might let you feel more depress.

So, if you look normal, then you don't have to have a cosmetic plastic surgery. Because it takes risk and lots of money, and you could feel more depress about your appearance if it fails. Cosmetic plastic surgery is only for changing one's appearance; it can't change everything you expected. Are you ready for those painful, struggling, and unexpected risks? Or choose to simply enjoy what you look like?

-511 words-

Julie said...

A Computer Game Addiction Disaster

Last week, I received a phone call from my sister who was so upset with her son, a 13 years-old boy, who is seriously addicted to computer games. The boy, my nephew, would spend 24 hours in a computer-game-house, which is operated by some irresponsible people to earn children’s money. My nephew totally forgets his school, study, and parents. My sister has tried everything she could think about, but it all didn't work. “What should I do?” my sister asked me eagerly.

Yes, what should we do with the computer game addicts? Are computer games good for children or not? According to a study carried out in Scottish schools, “A daily dose of computer games can boost math attainment”, “It also found improvements in pupils' concentration and behavior. “ But in my opinion, comparing to the damages, this little benefits are negligible. Children, especially teenagers, are often lack of self-controlling; they are easily to become computer game addicts. There are far more drawbacks than benefits according to the computer game addiction research.

Computer addiction seriously damages adolescents’ health. Research shows that computer games are damaging brain development and could lead to children being unable to control their behaviors. A brain-mapping expert found that the computer games only “stimulated activity in the parts of the brain associated with vision and movement”, but the frontal lobe, the area of the brain which associates with learning, memory and emotion, is stunted. The frontal lobe, which continues to develop in humans until the age of about 20, “has an important role to play in keeping an individual's behavior in check. “ So, if children play computer games too long, their brains will not develop properly.

Computer addiction could result in isolation from society. Children, who play computer games too much time, have no time for socializing, doing homework, and playing sports. A researcher said, “That takes away from normal social development. You can get a 21-year-old with the emotional intelligence of a 12-year-old.” Children should play outside with other children and communicate with others as much as possible. In this way, they will develop, retain their creativity and become good persons.

Computer addiction makes children tend to violation and refuse to live in the real society but live in an imagining world. Unfortunately, computer games are mostly about killings, murders, or battles, which give children very bad and negative examples to follow. According to researchers, adolescents who are playing more computer games will be doing more bad things and involving more violent actions.

Thinking more about computer games, the negative aspects are far more than its benefits. But, why there are still so many computer games produced every year? Is it real that our societies are becoming money-only and benefits-only? Just think about our next generation! Governments and the mass media should take actions to reduce this kind of production; as parents, we also should pay much attention to our children preventing them to become computer game addicts. Parents should monitor children play computer games when children are very young. Preventing is always the best thing to do. How about to keep computers in living rooms rather than bedrooms? Take action now!

(524 words)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Does cosmetic plastic surgery is a good thing?

Look Hot

Nowadays, most of the women are experiencing the pressure of the society of having a perfect family, good paying job, nice circle of friends, and especially looking hot, too. In fact, we are in the era or evolution that people perceived beauty is very important. Does it matter to you how people takes care their youthful looks?

Yes, I wonder, and Google the word Cosmetic plastic surgery, a bunch of websites to choose from that contains facts, testimonies of different people. I was intrigue how much the cost of surgical or non surgical procedures. The price range varies, and it was expensive. The most frequently performed procedure was Botox injections which cost four hundred seventeen dollars and the most surgical procedure was liposuction which cost two thousand eight hundred sixty eight. Some people agree, “You get what you paid for”.

According to the American Aesthetic Society President, Fohad Nahai, MD. says, “Our statistics confirm that plastic surgery is not defined by race or gender”. And also “… surgical and nonsurgical procedures performed on men increased seventeen percent since last year, and twenty two percent of the aesthetic procedures were performed on traditional racial and ethnic minorities”. In that case, men and women are more getting it, making this business a money machines for doctors.

Is it a good thing to have a cosmetic plastic surgery? Perhaps yes, I am not against with it. For Hollywood stars, like actors and actress, I am not shocked if they did. Besides, they are rich and saleable, and its part of their job and responsibilities. In the case of an average folks, who have a surgery to look good, I thought, they are gutsy, and I do understand why they did, too. But before having it done, first, do some study. Second, assess personal purpose why doing it. Third, consider your finances. Lastly, know the credibility of the plastic surgeon, meet and discuss openly your expectations to the surgeon.

Despite the fact of its complications, more and more people are getting it so easily. Many women are claiming after the successful surgery, boosted their personality, got promoted and kept their job, most of all, enhanced their intimate relationship with their partner. In addition, some people believed that having a pleasant look has a better opportunity at stake. I agree that having a youthful looks is worth keeping for.

Actually, my husband mentioned his coworkers, about the increasing number of women who undergo in breast augmentation for the sake of keeping their job, and relationship. Also, some of my friends are highly recommending it who says excitedly, “no pain, no gain”, who looks satisfied and happy. Surely, I thought of having it in the future, but right now I am happy with my imperfections.

Truly, a genuine beauty comes within; when person takes care of himself, able to accept the imperfections of life is very good attitude, and is smart. Therefore, it doesn’t need a surgeon to make a person happy but instead people needs a courageous self to face the imperfect world.

(508 word count)
1. Consumer Guide to Plastic Surgery
2. American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
3. Vancouver Plastic Surgery
5. Plastic Surgery Research Info.

sam said...

Topic: Internet addiction is a serious problem in society

Nowadays, the internet has become one of the most important parts in our life. To be the greatest invention in the last century, internet has completely changed the world. However, are all these changes which come with the internet positive to people? I think the answer is no. Like most things in this world, the internet has its two sides. When it’s making our life better, it also has some negative impacts to us, one of them is internet addiction which has been a serious social problem.

Yes, we now all benefit from the internet. You can get various information from the internet, you just need to google some words you are interested in, then you will get thousands of address which is relevant to the words. Through the internet, you can also do shopping, publish your story and picture on blog, pay bills by online banking, download music and video, chat with friends anywhere, and so on. It’s really amazing for us, actually you can get anything you need from the internet and do anything you want through the internet. That’s why I sit in front of my computer and surf the internet for one or two hours everyday.

But in Kimberly S. Young’s article, he told us that “some on-line users were becoming addicted to the internet in much the same way that others became addicted to drugs, alcohol, or gambling”. We may have seen this kind of people in real life. They think they can not live without the internet and they can not control themselves from using the internet. Certainly, it will bring some social problem.

Kimberly S. Young’s study shows that internet addiction will result in many problems such as “academic failure and reduced work performance”. Students may use the internet to help them studying, but sometimes they may surf irrelevant website, play online game or chat with friends. So they can not manager their time properly. When they take too much time on surfing the internet, they will have no enough time to study. Also adults sometimes can not resist the temptation of the internet. I can remember the story of one of my former colleagues, he was addicted in online games. He paid too much attention on the games so that he can not concentrate on his work. Finally he got a warning from our manager because he made so many mistakes in his work.

Internet addiction will also lead some people unwilling to interact with others. Because we can almost do anything online now, some people feel they do not need to communicate with others face to face. They don’t need to go to bank, they don’t need to go shopping, they don’t need to talk, they just need a computer. Gradually, they will be isolated from the society and live in the virtual network. Obviously it will be a big trouble to themselves, their family and the society.

Sometimes internet addiction will result in much severer problem such as crime. As I know, in China many teenagers are addicted in playing game online, they don’t take time on studying but on playing game. Because parents don’t want to pay anymore for playing game for them, they have to get money through some illegal method. This has been one of the main causes of teenager crime.

A research shows that “42 per cent of Chinese youngsters polled felt addicted to the internet”, doesn’t it sound terrible? It’s time for us to do something on it, maybe we should start from ourselves.

-589 words

Article quoted:
Internet addiction: the emergence of a new clinical disorder by Kimberly S. Young
Internet addiction made an official disorder in China by Jane Macartney

Neela said...

1- A book of my choice.
“The Secret Garden”
Have you ever read a book to help you to cope with your stress and anxiety? Before reading the story “The Secret Garden” I didn’t know that reading a favorite book can cool human brain, and help them relax at the end of a stressful day. Last summer while I was very sick and unable to walk, I read the story “The Secret Garden”, written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, which changed my dull mind and released all my tension. There are many reasons that I believe once you start reading this book you will not be able to put it down.
First of all “The Secret Garden” describes the cheerless effects of hopelessness, its goal is to show how nature attached with positive thinking and changes people’s lives. The fanciful creature and curious characters in the story will help you to conquer your deep sorrow and become more optimistic. Brian Holden, the writer of “Developing and Maintaining an Effective Learning Environment, says, “ One of the sources of motivation is a natural curiosity which we are all born with…” The main character, Mary, in this story experiments Holden statement and disclosed many secrets which will show you how to polish your brain.
Why the write chose a nine-year old orphaned girl as her central character? I realized that she wanted to amaze her reader by an extraordinary child, and to prove that kids can make a lot of changing in adult life. In “The Secret Garden “Mary with her bright mind, and her powerful voice taught me many ways to forget the condition of being sick and feel positively. What a remarkable coincident when I was hopeless and stressful, God gave me a book to safe my life. No words can explain how masterfully the writer gathered lots of fascinating virtues in a little girl’s thought to help someone to find joy and gladness.
The most special thing about a story is its theme that makes the story able to be judged. The main images of the story “The Secret Garden” is gardens, birds, and children that all need care and loves to grow stronger. Burnet compares a hidden garden which was neglected for years to two sick and weak children who were abandoned for a long time. According to the writer mostly human being gets hurt because of ignorance, so she teaches us how to discover and beat the hidden things which make our life miserable. Mary’s exploring to a new life made me believe that a world of caring can make a world of difference.
Now I am free of all the anxiety and fear that I had, and I got a peaceful mind because of a great writer. As “The Secret Garden” became my guide to a greater degree of life, I encourage you to read this book if you need to get out of your stress. The story will strengthen your brainpower and work on your wellbeing. Since the book is self-help, self- improvement, motivational and educational, it will give you a great awareness and knowledge about your life.

516 words

Ryan said...


topic : persuade us that climate change is a danger.

One year is three hundred-sixty-five days and one day is twenty-four hours. People are usually spending almost 80 years
in their long life and making a money to get their safe livelihood. They are just destroy the nature and make infinity things
from it. More important thing is that the people who are living in this nature like a owner reached almost seventy-hundred-
million people exist in the world.

During the global times , we had made too many things from the nature and just spend too many elements from it.
we made lots of cars to get shorter time when they moving to somewhere. For making a car, we need lots of machines.
Also we had made a host of roads to run their cars.To run their cars, we need lots of oil and gas from inside of the ground.
And to make a roads, we need oil as well.Every single thing can not exist without oil and gas.

When oil or gas burns, these elements make carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. In the atmosphere, most of important elements of atmosphere is seventy-eight percent of nitrogen and twenty-one percent of oxygen existing under ninety kilometers of the atmosphere. Before fifty years ago , the concentration of carbon dioxide was 315 ppm , however,
now it increases to 380 ppm. Almost twenty percent of carbon dioxide has been increased because of the industrialization. In the other words, oil is making lots of carbon dioxide. If carbon dioxide increases in the air , the temperature of the earth
increases, so carbon dioxide's concentration is going to influence on the Earth's temperature.

Fortunately, our society is beginning to realize the severity of the damage of climate change to Earth and initiating action to change that. Many countries have set a regulation that limits the amount of carbon dioxide each country will be allowed to produce without penalty. Once that limit is exceeded, they are required to pay money, while if that limit is not met, they are granted money.
To meet this requirement, many countries are working hard to decrease carbon dioxide emission; however, efforts seem fruitless
because our society cannot function without the factories, vehicles, and other necessities.

Until this kind of problem comes into our society, may people could not realized about this problem which is global warming.
However, they seem to get this problem seriously and are trying very hard to cure and renovate it.
For example, people are trying to get energy from the nature which is green energy. Of course, it is not that huge amout of
energy than oil or gas, however the green energy is not making a harmful things to the nature. That is why people are developing
to green energy. We finally realized this global warming is serious problem. I think We realized it too late, but we are going to do our best on it.Not the other person. You and I have to try to recover about global warming!

kenny said...

Selling alcohol at sporting events

Most people like to have something to eat or drink during sport game like football, soccer, boxing and etc. Among them some people who like wine same with me it is very good time to enjoy wine or beer in their living.

Football games are most popular throughout the world. Usually each football team is based according to their regions, nevertheless it is big or small. Therefore most spectators have his like and dislike team. In case of his supporting team has lost the game by the mistake of referee or some undesirable condition, spectators are shouting, roaring, throwing something to the ground and fighting with opposite supporters. Some people go to the stadium with strong alcohol to become riot for solving his own stress in his living.

In 1980s there are lot of riot during football game in Europe. Each city has damaged after game by riot by smashing shop window, burning cars, mass fighting with opposite supporter. Among them England riots are distinctive. Therefore Thatcher government is keeping list of riot in his people and prevent boarding airplane to abroad at the airport.

In Korea all spectator should have body search by police during World Cup in 2003. I think Canada has similar measure. Last Summer I have seen police car checked every car which entering to White Beach in Belcara Park and take over all kinds of alcohol.

I prefer have some wine or beer in stadium but agree not allowed to selling alcohol at sporting events for safety.

Eve Yan said...

Addiction to Oil: Let Us Be Realistic.

“Addicted to Oil”, Let us be realistic. I am wondering how much further people are willing to sacrifice their comfort for the sake of Global Warming.

Well, let us think about driving. When the gas price has reach sky high of 156 center per litres, the driving seems to be really expensive. All of suddenly, all the people start to talk about global warming. Let us be realistic, when the price has drop under a dollar, when driving is even cheaper than taking a transit, are you still going to take a bus? Let us be realistic, we are living in a high stress society, people are always busy to run their errands in a limited time, and how much longer you can wait at the bus station, when all the others are getting their things done more efficient than you.

You can certainly grow your own garden of vegetable and fruit. Not realizing the potential possibility of danger of poisoning yourself. Have you got your soil tested? The lead in the soil above 50 ppm will cause irreversible damage to your health. According to CBC news “More than 200 residents of Lynnview Ridge showed up at a meeting organized by the city last night and protested against their polluted soil. Recent testing in their neighbourhood has uncovered lead contamination...The residents are considering legal action against the city”. Is your city under the risk of contamination? The organic home grown garden is not longer safe equal to healthy, hearty fruits and vegetable. I rather buy the fruit or vegetable from a more regulated farm, other than take the fuss to grow it myself. How about eating local farmer’s vegetable or fruit? Have you been to the farmer’s market? The price of local grown fruit or vegetable is three times more expensive than the produce we imported from California. Be realistic, are you going to buy the expensive produce to support the local farm or pay cheaper to get imported produce. That still doesn’t convince you, ok, let me try even harder. There are certain tropical fruits that are not possible to grow in the whether in Canada, if you ever taste the BC grown strawberry, you will tell it is mushy and not so sweet. How about sweet Caribbean papaya, juicy California orange… the list goes on and on, come on, have a bite!

You may argue, well, I can put on a sweater at home to save energy. How about your dishwasher, do you consider wash your dishes by bare hand since the dishwasher consumes a tremendous amount of hot water? How about turn off your water boiler all day long, and imagine yourself living in a complete coldness in winter and soak your hand in the freezing cold water to clean the dishes and wash your clothes. Then you will know why Brad’s essay mentioned about “North Americans, with only 4% of the world’s population, burn 25% of the world’s oil!”

I don’t think it is realistic for North America people to break the addiction to the oil. That is price too high that nobody is willing to pay. Be realistic, if you want to change your lifestyle, that could be the time that you either have no money to buy oil, or there is no more oil on the planet to consume. When you either still have money to buy oil or there is still some oil left for you to consume. Come on “Enjoy the comfort of oil!”

589 words

Eve Yan said...

Second Edition

Addiction to Oil? Let Us Be Realistic.

“Addicted to Oil”, Let us be realistic. I am wondering how much further people are willing to sacrifice their comfort for the sake of Global Warming.

Well, let us think about driving. When price of gas surged to the history high this summer, the topic of global warming has suddenly became very popular. According to Seattle News, Maintenance technician Taylor Morgan started to take a bus to go to work; they also need to cut down their visit to family in British Columbia from once two month to once or twice a year. After the price of oil drop again, “he was happy to be driving his Honda Accord to work every day again, ‘things are getting back to normal,’ he said.” As the cheaper gas brings him the comfort back, he obviously forgot all about the Global Warming. I tend to understand this ordinary fellow as everyone else; we are living in a high stress society, people are always busy to run their errands in a limited time, and how much longer you can wait at the bus station, when all the others are getting their things done more efficiently than you.

You can certainly grow your own garden of vegetable and fruit. Not realizing the potential possibility of danger of poisoning yourself. Have you got your soil tested? The lead in the soil above 50 ppm will cause irreversible damage to your health. According to CBC news “More than 200 residents of Lynnview Ridge showed up at a meeting organized by the city last night and protested against their polluted soil. Recent testing in their neighbourhood has uncovered lead contamination...The residents are considering legal action against the city”. Is your city under the risk of contamination? The organic home grown garden is not longer safe equal to healthy, hearty fruits and vegetable. I rather buy the fruit or vegetable from a more regulated farm, other than take the fuss to grow it myself.

How about eating local farmer’s vegetable or fruit? Have you been to the farmer’s market? The price of local grown fruit or vegetable is three times more expensive than the produce we imported from California. Be realistic, are you going to buy the expensive produce to support the local farm or pay cheaper to get imported produce. That still doesn’t convince you, ok, let me try even harder. There are certain tropical fruits that are not possible to grow in the whether in Canada, if you ever taste the BC grown strawberry, you will tell it is mushy and not so sweet. How about sweet Caribbean papaya, juicy California orange… the list goes on and on, come on, have a bite!

You may argue, well, I can put on a sweater at home to save energy. How about your dishwasher, do you consider wash your dishes by bare hand since the dishwasher consumes a tremendous amount of hot water? How about turn off your water boiler all day long, and imagine yourself living in a complete coldness in winter and soak your hand in the freezing cold water to clean the dishes and wash your clothes. Then you will know why Brad’s essay mentioned about “North Americans, with only 4% of the world’s population, burn 25% of the world’s oil!”

I don’t think it is realistic for North America people to break the addiction to the oil. That is price too high that nobody is willing to pay. Be realistic, if you want to change your lifestyle, that could be the time that you either have no money to buy oil, or there is no more oil on the planet to consume. When you either still have money to buy oil or there is still some oil left for you to consume. Come on “Enjoy the comfort of oil!”

641 words