Monday, May 26, 2014

Writing a List Poem Based on "A Note"

Beginning with "Life is the only way," write your own list poem using "A Note" as a model. Your poem must use the same (with minor variations) number of words and structure as Szymborska's. Use what you learned this week to compose a stronger poem.
Try to find a rhythm to the words you choose (note the number of syllables as well as the number of words). Be careful to punctuate exactly the same way and be aware of how the poet has used punctuation to divide and compare ideas. Post a copy of your poem to the blog before coming to Wednesday's class.
Be prepared to do a recital of your poem (please practice ahead of time!) and speak for one to two minutes on the process you followed and any difficulties you experienced.  Marks will be assigned as follows: quality of poem—50%; recital—25%; remarks on process—25%.

NOTE: Check your formatting carefully after copy and pasting poem. You'll need to add spacing. Try to have your poem look exactly the same as the original handout if you can!


Brad said...

Please Note

Life is the only way
to hold dirt in your hands,
breathe sea air on the wind,
sing in joy;

to smell rose scent,
or take one back home;

to find friends
in every place you go;

to gaze on high mountains,
stay home all day,
to seek the least travelled of paths.

An extraordinary chance
to consider fortune or fate,
one decision made
with no light as a guide;

and if only once
to fail on an exam,
not know when the worst hurting will end,

receive your love much too late;
and to remember a dream in an old man’s eyes;

and to still be not thinking
tomorrow is sure.

—May 2014; 7th version by Brad Hyde

Anonymous said...

Life is the only way
to capture all the time you can,
live each moment like it’s your last,
love everything,

to battle with yourself,
because it builds strength;

to marvel at something,
even if you don’t like it
practice and patients are gifts to earn;

to carry yourself with pride,
open your heart and dance,
find pleasure in the delicacies of life.

An extraordinary moment
to change and appreciate it
and climb into a new beginning,
you’re not going to be disappointed;

and if only once
to break away from reality
end up some place you’ve never been

mistakes are a tragedy that must be
disciplined but let’s forget that,
embrace it and tell yourself that you can
learn from it.

- 122 words By Brittney Dieno

Unknown said...

A Note

Life is the only way you choose
if you are a doctor

to help the injured girl
who has cut
her finger on a playground

to help a mother
who give birth
a child
a child that comes to this world

a child that can not breath well
a child that you give a oxygen mask

life is to assistance
in a surgery to a woman
who has kidney cancer

life is to help a man
who has appendicitis
and can die from it

life is to sacrifice you
to people in need and
are sick.

Unknown said...

A Note of Life

Life is the only way
to suffer the lost love ,
hold your tears on the hands,
disappear on air;

to be a eagle,
or have its great wings;

to find hope
from everything it’s not;

to heal inside hearts,
fresh in minds,
to seek the freedom of possible creations.

An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment,
an image held
with the photograph hang up;

and if only once
to rewind time on a point,
end up looking back true or false,

lose your voice in the space;
and to follow the sound that the heart with your honors;

and to keep on going is
something important.
--108 words

Unknown said...

A Note
Life is the only way
to find the destination without GPS,
see the views through the windshield,
listen to the be loved music;

to be a luggage,
or squeak its’ old wheel;

to show off possessions
from everything, it’s not;

to ignore its’ heaviness,
create a tale,
to stop by every possible prospects.

An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment,
a saving someone’s life
with mere affirmation;

and if only once
to stray on a railway,
end up lying in one dark night or another,

flatter yourself for your own sake;
and to follow a flickering light with your eyes;

and to keep on not holding
something important.

Unknown said...

A Note to a Father

Life is the only way
To teach with a book,
Watch her play at the park,
Rise on water

To be a hero,
Or watch him fight the battle;

To tell fear
From everything it’s not;

To hug a child,
Talk with vigor,
To seek the best of all our accomplishments.

An extraordinary term
To remember for a moment,
The first word of advice
From a mind with wisdom;

And if only once
To walk into a room,
End up ignored by one person or another

Mislay your pictures at the office;
And to remember a vivid moment shown at home;

And to keep on with learning
Something important

Unknown said...

A Pilgrim’s Note

Life is the only way
to dive in crystal seas,
ride a wave to the beach,
fly on wings;

to be an eagle,
or soar into the sun;

to tell truth
from everything it’s not;

to celebrate birthdays,
say “amen” for all the wishes,
to count the blessings of the years.

A wonderful moment
to share laughs and tears
a concise odyssey
from the womb to the tomb;

and if only once
to be struck by lightning,
end up floated upside down,

forget how to swim and breathe;
and to follow the light to the end of the earth;
and to keep on believing in
something everlasting.

Unknown said...

A Note to Muse

Life in the only way
to seek your inner peace whole days;
to rush- to hush , to shout-
to rage itself out;

to be a hunter
or life target in a rifle sight;

it doesn’t matter
till you can look at solar light;

to plunge in daily circulation,
to waste a lot of time
but never find an inspiration .

An extraordinary chance
to move with Muse in slow dance,
to hug Her subtle waistline,
and follow flowing shadow line;

to keep a harmony
between reality and spirit
and be dissolved in it;

to cover Her shoulders with pleasure,
to warm Her fingers by breathe,
to look in Her eyes azure,
“ Muse, help with my lyrics, please… .”

123 words