Friday, May 16, 2014

Experiences with Poetry

Write a 50-word paragraph that refers to your personal experiences with poetry. The experiences do not have to be at school, although they may be if you wish. Be specific please. 


Brad said...

Poetry, with laser-like efficiency, penetrates more deeply into my heart than any other literature. I love its unique ability to make me feel. Reading two or three poems a week is a balm for my soul. Without poetry, my life would be barren, my spirit unfed.

—46 words

Unknown said...

I have known poetry since I was in grade one. Since that time until now, I’ve never liked it. For me, poetry is so boring; some of them are too exaggerated. However, I know that learning poetry is so important; therefore, it is better for me to try loving it.

-50 words

Unknown said...

The words in a poetry are an extract like au due perfume. Spraying tiny bit amount, yet the fragrance-sweet and spicy-remain perhaps forever on my heart. The humble words have an incredible power to relief my soul so that I can be consoled by writing or reading the words.
--- 51 words

Unknown said...

Poetry is the hardest writing to understand than other forms of literature. The teacher taught us that every single word in the poetry has its own meaning and can’t be skipped. It was hard for me to understand the meaning and imagine the transformation scene from the writer. However, poetry is an essential and it increases the reading level if I ever have a chance to read.
--67 words

Unknown said...

In immigration, the native language gradually is erased from our memory. We begin to forget the native words and grammar. Only poems and songs never be erased because its contain original rhythm, melody and image. Poetry is the highest form of manifestation of any language. Real poetry is like a beloved woman, which is impossible to forget.


Unknown said...

I find poetry difficult to understand sometimes. When I had a chance to read and analyze poetry in high school it opened up a whole new world to me. During that discussion my emotions went from extreme sadness to extreme happiness. It's like walking on the Seawall at Stanley Park.

--50 words

Anonymous said...

Poetry, is something that can come to me out of the blue. I use to write it while at work (on break) it can happen if I am around people who inspire me. I have always liked poetry it has helped me in many ways. Getting through sleepless nights or writing a note and posting it on facebook is always fun!

-61 words

Anonymous said...

Poetry, is something that can come to me out of the blue. I use to write it while at work (on break) it can happen if I am around people who inspire me. I have always liked poetry it has helped me in many ways. Getting through sleepless nights or writing a note and posting it on facebook is always fun!

-61 words