Friday, September 14, 2012

Here I Am

Post your "Here I Am" here as a comment. No need to double space online. Please have this done before you come to class next Wednesday. NOTE: When joining the blog, please provide your real name!

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Brad said...

Here I Am

Love riding my bicycle hard up the 29th Avenue hill to UBC, smelling sweet sea air on an early Vancouver morning, biting into a fresh Fairmount bagel while strolling in Montreal, diving into a dark lake (as often as possible) while heat lightning flashes in the southern sky, the feeling you get when children find their way in life.

Loved hiking with John off trail in Strathcona Park, but he died many years ago. Loved living in a co-op house, but moved after my son was born.

Look at life as an extraordinary chance; I am lucky to be here.

—100 words

Unknown said...

Here I Am
Love imaging a picture by looking at the garden, gazing the butterflies dancing over the flowers, listening to the birds’ chitchat, shaving the Box Wood brushes to be the figures, playing with the soft water on the thirsty grass (when I am doing in the yard), the feeling you get as if you were an artist.
Loved working in the grape yard, but my decision yielded to my family. Loved to live in Okanagan beside the lake, but needed to wait a little longer.
Look at life as a designer full of conceptions; it weaves a dream to become true. –100 words

Unknown said...

Here I Am

Love popping bubble wrap, having sweet moments with friends on the phone, taking pictures of flowers and beautiful scenes, playing guitar at dawn and sipping hot black tea, watching news and reading novels( in my language), the feeling you get when you do not sleep for four days.
Loved stepping hard against the watery snow, but life made it hard.
Loved listening to jokes, but all repeating with no difference.

Look at the life as a melody; fades in with some notes and slowly slowly gets interesting. It has silence and end too. 93 words

brenda said...

Here I am
• Love sharing life experiences with friends, cheerful and careful, walking on the quiet street in the bright fall morning, dreaming colorful life in the dim winter morning, (the sweetness in kitchen and the kiss from beloved), doing exercise with my clumsy boy in warm spring sunshine, the feeling you get when you have a Haagen-Dazs after few days diet.

Loved to go window shopping with my charming sister, but now we separate in two countries. Loved to eat rich food, but gave away for healthy.

Look at life as a rippling stream flowing to the sea, singing sadness and happiness.

-104 words

Lovie said...

Here I Am

Love traveling, with my better half, all around the world, experiencing how people live in the same time, but different space, searching foods with good reviews, waiting for a fine and warm holiday to enjoy them, daydreaming what life will be in Canada, the feeling you get what's in the Pandora's box.

Loved planning everything well, but now let change be part of my plan. Loved relishing two-people world, but one or two more people may also be fine.

Look at life as holding sand in hand; no matter how hard you try, it always flows through your fingers, silently.

-100 words

Unknown said...

Here I Am

Love contemplating a sunset on an ordinary day, reading cheerfully a story book to my little daughter, being disconnected to the world for a few minutes in the solitude of my room, making some favourable act to someone afflicted. The feeling you get when your listening a song that describes in every verse the way you feel.

Loved playing basketball under any weather condition, but time marched inexorably . Loved to be an inseparable twin sister, but got married.

Look at life as a chess game; filled with crucial decisions.-93 words

Unknown said...

Here I Am

Love being spoiled by my mom, training myself to be a good daughter, dancing with the rhythm in my heart on my balcony, listening to my friends the love stories (when I had a good day), the feeling you get when everything is surrounding you.

Loved caring for other people’s feelings, but I didn’t receive any appreciative words, loved getting my driving test, but I failed.

Look at life as a delicious chocolate ice-cream, but it melted before I taste it.

84 words

Unknown said...

Here I Am

Love climbing up the peak to see the stretching mountains, listening to the sound that waves beat against the coast, camping in the forest to breathe the wild scent, reading an excellent book as if talking with an intelligent person, the feeling you get when you take a shower on a summer day.

Loved to believe never is there a saviour, but now obey the command of destiny. Loved to listen to popular music, but prefer my son piano playing.

Look at life as a path hiding in the mountain; you can’t see the end, but follow it anyway.
-99 words

Unknown said...

Here I Am
Love chatting on Skype with my dear parents and my beloved relatives around the world, trying different recipes in the kitchen all day, walking around the Granville Island on the sunny weekend, giggling with two men (my husband and my son) on the bed, the feeling you get when taking shower after exhausting day.Loved making tea with my family in the courtyard, but they are thousands of miles away.Loved staring at the street in a coffee shop, but it is too busy to do anymore.Look at life as a palette; you can make it colorful or drab. 99words

Svitlana said...

Here I Am

Love walking in a sunny day on the rustling carpet of autumn leaves, looking at old photos with a little nostalgia, traveling in the car (beside the driver) somewhere far away, falling asleep with my children on both sides of me, the feeling you get when you come back home.

Loved taking friends to my house, but have to make new friends.
Loved listening to the life stories of my grandfather, but he is too weak to tell it again.

Look at life as a dense forest; we are never sure where “true north”, and it is easy to get lost. - 101 words

Yashka said...

Here I Am

Love talking with close friends, meeting and laughing children in my bed in the morning, staring at mysterious campfire all night, listening splash of a waterfall and echo in the forest, the feeling you get when you might do something more than before.

Loved to read at free time, but now my children are filling that time. Loved my favorite Dad, but will not see him anymore.

Look at life as the wind that moves through everything around you; it can be breezy and amiable at one time or hostile and wreck at another one.

Unknown said...

Here I am:

Love eating, non-stop, in a grey rainy day, tearing to get relief in stressful time, sitting outside in a windy day with a cup of spicy tea, listening worship songs early in the morning, the feeling you get when you drink cold in extremely hot day.

Loved sharing plate with my little sister, but now we live apart. Loved visiting friends on Saturday afternoon, but now I am in a process of making new friends.

Look at life as a book; everyone is a writer and every day is a new topic.

92 words (September 18, 2012)

Melanie said...

Here I Am

Love listening to the sound of harps while drifting into sleep, walking my dogs on a cold September morning, imagining my life as it could be, lending a helping hand to someone in need, the feeling you get when indulging in fresh baked brownies, when life gets you down.

Loved the innocence of being young, but is slowly fading. Loved running from opportunity, but time waits for no one.

Look at life as an adventure; winding paths that lead to unexpected obstacles which hide around the bend. - 87 words

Brad said...

Here I Am

Love traveling, to mountains or shore, in glorious weather, being surrounded by dear friends sharing their thoughts and feelings, imagining myself as the main character in a love story, trying something new ( once in a while ), the feeling you get when you breathe fresh air in the early morning.

Loved to choose what I really wanted, but feel tied by my family.
Loved speaking to my little pet, but she was gone.

Look at life as an unexpected voyage; you’ll never know everything not until you reach the destination.

-89 words


Brad said...

Here I am

Love biking around Stanley Park and being embraced by the fascinating forest and deep blue Ocean, spoiling myself and ignoring my diet plans by eating fresh and yummy Japanese food, watching a talkative blue jay happily chirping on an apple tree, strolling and chatting with my friends around Deer Lake, seeing sunrise and knowing the brand new day is started
Loved eating crunchy fried chicken, but 11 years ago I became a vegetarian.

Loved holding my chubby little boy, but now I will make him embarrassed with even a single touch

Look at life with its ups and downs like the tide of the ocean.

109 words; Cynthia Chen

Unknown said...

Here I Am

Love creating, going camping with friends in a rainy day with all facilities, exploring the nature and taking picture, playing cards, chess, and carambole while sipping tea inside the tent, architecting, and air conditioning (my own house) in an amazing way, the feeling you get when you are free as a bird.

loved being a doctor to cure people who have cancer, but a doctor has limited options. loved giving people in need a fish, but soon decided to teach them fishing.

Look at life as a sunflower does at it’s first syllable; it makes it easy to go on.

100 words

Unknown said...

Here I Am

Love watching old Hindi movies while sipping a hot cup of tea with spicy vegetable fritters ,listening to old Hindi songs, reading newspapers, playing Sudoku, discussing politics (especially Indian)and sports with friends, watching ice hockey and NBA matches live on television with my children, the feeling you get when everything goes smoothly in life.

Loved drinking with my friends, but sacrificed this lifestyle to achieve my goal. Loved India, but moved to Canada for the better future of my children.

Look at life as a stream; it flows steadily to reach its destination.

Waleed Dahir said...

Love going to the mail even if I don’t buy anything form the store with my friends . Wishing if I can buy the whole store .Tried and excited from pick up basketball ,but I always have littler energy to watch a movie in the theatre . The feeling of watching a new movie is like the feeling of winning a car

Loved to hug out my friends and play basketball. loved to travel to USA and spend time with my family but now that school start I have to wait for he next break .

Look at life as a gift ; you will never know what’s inside of it