Saturday, May 21, 2011

Something New about the Brain

Find a fact about the brain that has been discovered in the past five years. Use terms taken from the reading to search. For example, search the term “neuroplasticity” at Google NewsYou can also search for individual author’s names mentioned in the article to find out more. 

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Brad said...

As I said in class, "crossing arms at the wrists mixes up the brain's perception of pain signals sent from the hands to the brain and reduces the intensity of pain."—

To read more about this research visit: Pain Relief Strategy: Cross Your Arms?

Pain Relief Strategy: Cross Your Arms?

Unknown said...

Did you guys know, according to the Time "When signals from the skin or muscles bombard the motor cortex or the somatonsensory cortex(which processes touch), the brain expands the area that is to move"?

To read more about this visit: The Brain: How The Brain Rewires Itself

Amy Dong said...

I found a interesting video named Super Brain Yoga at internet. It was uploaded by mother little gems on Nov1, 2009. It shows us how to become much smarter. That’s a simple and easy way to do it: left hand pull right ear and right hand pull left ear, knee down and up when you breathe in and out. A doctor and a mother in the video both said that it was very helpful to sharp their patients’ and children’s mind. Others said it could also help them to pick up energy. This method applies to all kinds of people: child, teenage, adult and senior citizen.

Darija said...

I have found out that our brain is more active at night than at day. When we go to sleep, our brain wakes up and starts doing his work and as a result dreams appear in our sleep. Therefore,it is not wonders why scientists suggest enough sleep to stay mentally active.

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Human Brain

Ensieh said...

Did you guys know,that by reading aloud and talking often to a young child promotes brain development.
Also,learning two languages before age of five would change the brain. Therefore,we shoudl"nt force our kids to learn another language before ages five because the change might be both good and bad.

Kyle said...

Apparently, a recent study found here shows that bacteria from your gut will affect your brain chemistry and behaviour. So binging on those doughnuts might be changing more than your waist line.

Niloufar said...

The baby's brain needs to use the responses of caregivers to help it develop. The newborn baby prefrontal cortex doesn’t have much control, and during the first 18 months look for outside sources to develop. So baby will make an action to learn from parent’s response and repeat it.

Steven said...

You might have heard that scientists stimulating paralysed patients with electrical current to help rehabilitating their neural system. But have you ever thought of conducting the same current to one’s brain can actually make that person smarter? Then take a look of what Roi Cohen Kadosh in University of Oxford have found there. So, don’t rush to punish your kids for not doing well enough in school, you may want to just “zap” them instead.

Marwa said...

I have found many facts about the brain but I have found something very interesting to share to the class. Did u guys know that Yawning can send more oxygen to the brain, helping you to stay awake!