Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Link to Sir Ken Robinson's Lecture

Here is the link to his lecture, Changing Education Paradigms

Here is the link for the graphic used in the lecture. (note this is a large file and will take time to upload to your computer; save a copy locally if you wish)

1 comment:

Lisa Cai said...

Sir Ken Robinson’s talk in RSA Animate –“Changing Education Paradigms” brings a very sharp question –“How do we educate our children to take their place in the economic of the 21st century?” This is a very serious question right now that every country faces and wants to solve. He pointed out that our education institutions are organized on factory line and we still educate our children by batches. The main problem is these “products” from education factories are qualified products or do they meet requirement for marketing? In order to solve these problems, he suggested that we should change education paradigms. We must cultivate our children to think divergently in our school. He told us that divergent think is not the same as creating. It is thinking laterally. But from his genus divergent test results, he gave us a conclusion that our children’s divergent thinking was killed by our education system. (I can’t agree with his idea in here, but I wan to discuss this question later.) In my opinion, the more important thing is that our education not only train our children to think divergently, but also should develop their ability to change some impossible things that from their divergent thinking into possible. This is true goal for our education. If students can gain this ability from our education, they not only can find their place, but they can find the highest place in the 21st century!