Friday, February 4, 2011

Here I Am

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Brad said...

Here I Am

Love listening to “Sweet Thing” over and over again, smelling fresh scones baking in the oven, plunging my hands into warm spring earth, cleaning the kitchen with my wireless headphones on (tuned to CKUA), the feeling you get when a son graduates from university.

Loved riding my ultra light racing bicycle, but now I need one that’s more comfortable. Loved going to loud rock concerts, but now I have a hard time hearing my students.

Look at life as warm bread from the oven; best if it’s fresh and gone far too soon.

93 words (February, 2011)

Here's the first version from September 2009:

Here I am:

Love eating a cherry tomato still hot from an August sun, walking through coastal forests full of leaning hemlocks, floating in a lake (while talking to a good friend beside me), chatting with my daughter over sushi, the feeling you get when everyone stands as one at a concert.

Loved my bicycle but never ride it anymore. Loved my dog, but she died in mid-summer.

Look at life through a different lens now I’ve passed 50; see it now with both eyes wide open.

—88 words (September, 2009)

jenny said...

Here I Am
Love watering and nursing the houseplants, feeding wild ducks in Deer Lake with my daughter, communicating with my teenage son, smelling fresh air mingles fragrance of flower in summer(while sitting in the chair on the sundeck),the feeling you get when a best friend concerns your abroad life.
Loved visiting parents every Chinese New Year, but now I moved too far away, Loved listened to the family story from grandfather, but he passed away three years ago.
Look at life as a colourful picture you made; enjoy it now with my happy family.
(95 words)

Yi said...

Love walking on the sunny beach, smelling the salty wind from the ocean, strolling along the sea wall in Stanley Park (while holding a Starbuck coffee in hands), listening to Norah Jones and Diana Krall songs, doing Yoga in a silent weekend, the feeling you get after a peaceful meditation.

Loved chewing chocolate after dinner, but stopped when the muffin top above my waist grows bigger. Loved watching romantic movies, but tired of meaningless tales.

Look at life as a mirror; If you smile to it, it smiles to you.

93 words

Angelika said...

Here I Am:

Love listening to the ocean waves on the beach, traveling with my family, exploring new cities and countries, watching the light of the downtown from Seymour Mountain (during the dark time of the day), walking with my daughter in the park, the feeling you get when skiing down the hill.

Loved spending time with my father, but he is faraway now. Loved having my house back home, but can’t afford it in Vancouver.

Look at life as positive moments; you will always get what you deserve.

91 words (February 08/2011)

Niloufar said...

Here I Am
love smelling sea when the waves touch my feet, resting at hot sand, listening to birds song, playing guitar(when i feel like crying), taking photos from the minutes that never come back, laughing to children cry.

loved to skate with my old friends, but not anymore because I'm here in a different place now. loved to eat junk food, but I can't mix it with sport these days.

look at life as a thrown apple up in the air; realize that it will rotate to gets in your hands.

Steven said...

Here I am

Love browsing on the websites, searching for bargains and gossips on cyberspace, wondering where “The third wave” is leading us (surf yet get overwhelmed), roaring motorcycle engine on roads without a destination, the feeling you get when still being young, wild, and simply.

Loved calling buddies for get together, but charting with a screen instead. Loved rushing for red-hot luxuries, but dollar stores are now my favorite.

Look at life as a firework show; it blazes, shines, then everything back to normal.

-82 words (February 9, 2011)

Brad said...

From Lisa:

Love cleaning and re-arranging the furniture at home, trying to learn and cook different dishes at weekend just for fun, watching discovery channel (with my husband) at night, talking with my daughter via the long distant phone, laughing and enjoying with her, the feeling you get when the good news come via the phone.

Loved performing Chinese instruments (Yang Qin, Er Hu, Yue Qin), but stopped when I finished my high school. Loved teaching in the technical school, but stopped after I left my home town.

Look at life as a big stage; we have different roles for different acts.

100 words

Brad said...

By Amy:

Here I Am:

Love listening to my favorite song in a quiet room, reading a desire book, travelling to the Hawaiian Island with some close friends, working out a big problem that bothered me for a long time, the feeling you get when a son who is three years old drew a picture for the family.

Loved enjoying the delicious food in Cantonese, but I couldn’t stand its weather. Loved talking with my close friend, but we didn’t keep in touch for a few years.

Look at life as a television serial, know who I am and act my role well in it.

--103 words

Darija said...

Here I Am:

Love listening soft pounding waves against rough cliffs, indulging in a warm tea,
cuddling in my furry sofa with a book, hugging my children (while I feel sad and scared),
chattering with my adorable parents abroad, the feeling you get when I was a child.

Loved yearning my keen grandfather, but never hear it again. Loved feeling of protection,
but has long vanished.

Look at life as a game: you feel no regrets for failures but celebrate success.

Matthew said...

Love reading a good book with a cold mug of beer at my side, cooking a meal that I enjoy, listening to the blues (when there’s naught much else to do), talking with my mates about the mundane things in life we can’t seem to escape, having a smoke while watching the sun set on the Laurentians, the feeling you get when you see an old friend.

Loved going to Clyde’s Bar, but that’s gone now – burnt to the ground. Loved hanging out with cronies, but they’re in Montreal and I’m here.

Look at life as if it were dream; before you know it, it’ll all be over.


Kyle said...

Here I am:

Love watching the drift of snowflakes signaling winter's glow, hiking through a scenic mountain (with a camera at my side), meeting new people who have a story to tell, exerting my body to its limit, the feeling you get just before you drift asleep.

Loved getting drunk at friend's houses, but decided to grow up. Loved cooking new meals from my head, but the lost the time for creativity.

Look at life without borders to be seen; keep going forwards and let imagination be your guide.
(89 words)

Brad said...


“Here I am”
Love playing soccer, walking on the beautiful grass of field of VCC, (wearing black Nike shoes), going to the restaurant for dinner, talking with friends about past days, driving back to my sweet home while listening to the lovely voice of church songs, the feeling you get when everyone cheers for you at the game.
Loved my mom, but she died when I was in the sixth grade. Loved playing with my old friends, but can’t do this anymore.
Look at life as a challenge, you have to give all your hard work to achieve, accomplish, and win the most.
103 words