Saturday, November 10, 2007

Student Descriptive Essay Published at The Pearson Buzz

Cleaning the Well (November 10, 2007)
by Valentina

Well-described and edited story about the simple but hard work of cleaning a well. Reading this, you will enjoy a festive ritual as if you were there.

1 comment:

KERI said...

In the play “The Glass Menagerie,” “the blue rose” is a symbol of Laura’s love, which also represents Jim. Each time, when Laura speaks of Jim or “blue rose”, she is always excited and joyful. But, in fact, it isn’t a lucky omen. During our daily life, we know red rose symbolizes happy, exciting and beautiful love. But the color blue is always connected with hopeless and depression. So Tennessee Williams, through this nickname of Laura, which Jim gives her, predicts the bad end of Laura’s love. “The glass menagerie” is a beautiful animal world where the animals are always kept privately and enclosed. I can feel it is also the reflection on Laura’s life. Laura is delicate, fragile and vulnerable, and she is always escaping from the real world and insulates herself from other people, just like the little glass animal. Therefore, “the glass menagerie” is a very suitable symbol for Laura’s life.